Friday, 31 January 2014

By Fennec

By Fennec
If the best film footage you can muster if of a ferry then you're right. I realise a lot of your sense of reality and of what you are is tied up in believing this stuff, in it being real I don't really give a stuff about blurry, indistinct films and talking heads. If the aliens land in big UFOs and make contact then all very good. I'll be apprehensive and feel an instinctive fear - against my better nature - but I won't be particularly surprised, because there probably are intelligent aliens out there. Somewhere. Just not in blurry films.

You want to believe, that's the difference. You are not objective.

A personal mate of Michio Kaku? Cool.

Do you know that one of my favourite films is Contact? I imagine that's how contact wuold begin if it begins ever in our technological civilisation's (probably short) lifetime.


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