This time, tHE SAME GROUP WHO RELEASED THE EARLIER MJ-12 DOCUMENTS attempted to use the technology of the Internet to distribute the same meme again, nearly 25 years after they started the effort in 1980. That attempt to utilize the power of the Internet is ultimately what led to their demise. The group which RU researchers discovered actively distributing Serpo related materials included the same folks who were central figures in the MJ12/Aquarius activity with Moore / Pratt / Shandera... that group included, in part, Robert Collins and Rick Doty. But this time, through a counter-intelligence initiative conducted against the group by Reality Uncovered investigators, additional members of those involved alongside Doty were finally revealed. Two of these individuals included Dr. Harold Puthoff and Dr. Christopher (Kit) Green.
Those were only the "semi-public" individuals who portrayed themselves as only involved with "investigating" the releases alongside those individuals who were chosen (by allegedly "anonymous" sources) to release the information via email and the web. Their (Green and Puthoff's) intention was to remain "under the radar," during the releases. The non-public members of the group consist of a satellite group of ex-intelligence and ex-military men - all collaborating to inject various parts of this story into the field of Ufology. These satellite "agents" include: James Angleton Jr., an Arizona group which may or may not include a J. Lackey, and other individuals who may be posing as fake email identities (either real stolen names, or fake ones entirely) including a Paul McGovern, Gene Lakes, Herb Milton (no longer active), and Tamara Linden. One involved individual even falsely presented himself, in person, at a UFO conference as Paul McGovern. There may still be additional individuals involved as well.
Much of the post concerns the origins of recent internet "soap opera" drama about extraterrestrials and UFOs, and a connection to Dale Graff, formerly with the USAF FTD.
In the future, I suggest that "Reality Uncovered" should rely a bit more on the official records (now that many have been released to the public) and less on hearsay evidence, or worse, speculative opinion.
Statements concerning persons' involvement in alleged or even nefarious activities should be supported by sourcing or methods explicitly stated within your articles. Anything less appears to be potentially libelous.
For example, had RU actually checked the record, they could state that according to a SECRET CIA OIS memo dated April 23, 1976, "Mr. Graff was met and briefed by [redacted] concerning the history and results of CIA's R">
Some of RU references to "weird sceince" at FTD may be related to the GRILL FLAME WORKING GROUP which acted as "A clearinghouse for exchange of information and technologies among DoD participants.
If RU had bothered to check the records they would have learned that the original GRILL FLAME [STAR GATE] COMMITTEE members were:
Randy Clinton, Charles Carter of MIA
Bill Stoner, Col. Jack Capps of ARMY/ACSI
John Kramar, Col. Albert de Prospero of AMSAA
[members and sponsor agency redacted entirely]
Dale Graff, FTD
Ruth Davis, Lowell Dailey of USDRE
Dr. Bill Mehuron of NAVY
[members and sponsor agency redacted entirely]
[members and sponsior agency redacted entirely]
Maj. Scott Watt, 1Lt. Fred Atwater of INSCOM
LTC. Michael Bloom of AIR STAFF
On the 28th of Novmerber, 1978, it is reported within the minutes of the GRILL FLAME meeting: "Mr. Graff suggested a COVER STORY [my emphasis] be developed for the program."
It should also be noted that at the time SRI funding was coming from multiple sources:
100k from FTD
115k from AMSAA
20k from DIA, etc.
On May 4, 1979, Graff briefed the DoD GRILL FLAME Committee:
"Dale Graff briefed the committee concerning the recent exercise done by his people in helping the Agency locate a missing aircraft. Details of the exercise are considered very sensitive by the AF and all committee members had to sign a statement of acknowledging receipt of the information."
Following from this you would also have learned that during a meeting held at DIA on Sept. 25, 1979:
Graff briefed the committee on "on-going research in parapsychology phenomena in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, and Rumania." Graff was therefore tasked to monitor and collect information on foreign persons and organizations of interest.