Friday, 31 August 2012

Moon Hoax A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon

Moon Hoax A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
A Entertaining Summit Happened on the Way to the Moon is a 2001 documentary in print, formed, and directed by Nashville, Tennessee-based filmmaker and examining writer Bart Winfield Sibrel. Sibrel is a estimate of the Tied States space program and proponent of the theory that the six Apollo lunar landing missions in the middle of 1969 and 1972 were hoaxes perpetrated by the US Declare. The specify was obsessed from a 1966 book of humorous anecdotes by homeland working in the space program.Sibrel believes that expound were various unattainable expert and controlled evils which prepared it faint that men might land on the moon and riposte to Place innocently. Greatly, he believes that definite anomalies and inconsistencies in NASA's statistics of the landings opinion to a hoax, and that the space rate was really a rate to take on artillery, citing a 95 percent portrait in the middle of the technologies that unconstrained the commence of international ballistic shells and the commence of the Saturn V rockets.Bart Sibrel claims that NASA perpetrated a arrange, in the same way as of the arrangement that if the Tied States might put a man on the moon in advance the Soviet Agreement did it would be a powerful capture in the Hurried War, so the Soviets had been the first to sensation a perky space commence (Sputnik in 1957), the first manned space flight (Vostok 1 in 1961), and the first spacewalk (Voskhod 2 in 1965).Bart Sibrel exceedingly claims that the damaging proceedings that occurred at home the Apollo 13 lobby group were really man-made by the government to force homeland to pay courtesy to the space program. He suggests that this is recognized by the cargo space that a total of viewers called the partition networks irritable that range of the race lunar lobby group, Apollo 12, was interrupting repeats of the I Reverence Lucy program, saying: "it became clear that for the taxpayers, with was ample".The 47-minute documentary primarily focuses on the Van Allen belts, areas of sultry radiation circling the Place, as a powerful rationality that Sibrel believes it was unfeasible for a manned spacecraft to land on the moon. Bart Sibrel exceedingly presents what he claims is formal NASA footage, shot over the course of three duration, that was not alleged for chaos release. In this footage, the revelry of Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Gossip" Aldrin are, according to Sibrel, adaptation part of their lobby group to gain it intensification that they were 130,000 miles from Place. The mysterious was allegedly perpetrated thus: a color camera was located at the support of the pill, doesn't matter what that might rear light was deactivated, and an improve was located on the seat to shrink a false terminator. Sibrel's charge here is that it took three duration for the astronauts to style their filming techniques if possible than controller to the moon. Overly, he contends that expound is "Earthshine" nicely apparent in the seat after the lights were turned minute on and that this proves that Apollo 11 was in low Place go around.A Entertaining Summit Happened on the Way to the Moon exceedingly examines the ease photographs and points out what it claims are anomalies, such as non-parallel unhappy, to maintain the feature that many fallacious enlightenment sources were used; sped-up video footage of the astronauts walking on the lunar factor and lunar rovers deep on the factor are exceedingly used to encourage the theory they were really filmed on Place and slowed down to simulate the moon's prune moderation. The lack of apparent stars is discrete opinion frantic by Bart Sibrel.A Entertaining Summit Happened on the Way to the Moon was narrated by a British instant entertainer named Anne Tonelson. Bart Sibrel himself makes no stand facing in the film. He does intensification particularly in the the same toned Fox Television Network special, Conspiracy Theory: Did We Get there on the Moon?Bart Sibrel exceedingly alleges that the "Star Wars" Explanation Bomb Instinct was far simpler than the government claimed it was, and that tests were insincerely manipulated to, according to the Declare Task Part, hoodwink the Soviets about U.S. military motivation.

Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Strange Lights Ufos

Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Strange Lights Ufos
Posted: April 12, 2009

Date: April 10 2009

Time: 10:00 p.m.

Atmosphere of Sighting: Maple Bulge B.C. Canada.Size of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 2Shape of Objects: Robust.

Totality Account of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked nearby aircraft lights which we hold tight progressively over our house but outlook in at a interchange angle. Seemed to be downhill nearby an aircraft (stage was no engine call) I supposed it may be in work as it was way to low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes land over our house. As well the lights but not flashing nearby normal aircraft lights. I started to demand the plane would crash in principle neighboring to our house if it continued the lights but very neighboring to the ground no aircraft that magnificent would be that neighboring. The lights seemed to end progressing make the grade thus hovered in the air. The lights thus started to distributed away. They turned from a neat categorize to a in a row categorize and continued to get distributed away. The underside light got smaller and haughty orange in color and seemed to dissolve. The light at the top started to diminish and thus departed to.

Thank you to the tribute for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Exclusive HBCC UFO Research paper and mass of the Vike Investigate UFO Witness radio show. email: Blog:

HBCC UFO Research paper, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Extraterrestrial Intervention

Extraterrestrial Intervention
MARCH 04, 2013 - RUSSIA - The meteorite that crashed on Russia was hit by an unidentified flying object causing it to explode and shatter over the Urals, it has been claimed. The bizarre theory is based on analysis of blurry footage of the space rock as it streaked across morning sky above the city of Chelyabinsk. U.F.O enthusiasts insist a small 'object' can be seen colliding with the meteorite on its trajectory through the atmosphere, despite the fact there were no reports of Russia launching missiles to down the celestial intruder, they claim. E.T. to the rescue? A new picture showing the Russian meteorite and what is claimed to be a U.F.O (ringed).Alien enthusiasts have have seized on the unexplained images as evidence that 'we were saved by a UFO'.The watchers have seized on the unexplained images and an online debate is now underway in Russia with claims that 'we were saved by a UFO', reported the Siberian Times. The meteorite exploded in the atmosphere on 15 February with a force as great as 30 Hiroshima nuclear bombs, causing extensive damage in Chelyabinsk and injuring around 1,200 people, many from shattered glass. Estimated by NASA to have been 55ft-wide and with a weight of some 10,000 tons, the meteor is thought to have exploded above the Ural mountains with a force equivalent to about 500kilotons. Nuclear installations in the Urals remained undamaged by the fallout. 'At first, we also believed that the Chelyabinsk meteorite was just an ordinary meteorite, a cosmic body,' said Alexander Komanev, coordinator for the Russian UFO community in Yekaterinburg. But on at least three films of the space rock 'you can see how an object catches the meteorite', he said. This minuscule oblong-shaped object "flies into it - and the meteorite explodes and falls'. He stressed: 'Such a number of videos, made from different angles, leads us to believe that something has blown up the meteorite...' He claimed that in the weeks before the meteorite, there was an upsurge in UFO sightings in the Urals, followed by none at all since the incident. Space rock: The 'U.F.O.' is seen close to the tail of the meteorite in another of the images. Evidence? Another shot of the Russian meteorite which exploded in the atmosphere with a force as great as 30 Hiroshima bombs. Proponents of the theory claim there was an upsurge in UFO sightings in the Urals, before the meteorite hit, followed by none at all since the incident.Footage seen ahead of the incident two 'glowing bowls' seen flying in the sky at night over the village of Chabry. Separately in day time, similar objects were seen over Chelyabinsk, it is claimed. On both occasions they moved across the sky, disappeared, and then returned. Russia has called for major international efforts to develop the technology zap incoming space objects, but there is no suggestion any military strike was made at the meteorite on 15 February which was not spotted in advance. Terrifying: Almost 1,200 people were injured when the meteor burst through the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 46,000mph on Friday, blowing out the windows of 900 schools and hospitals and damaging around 100,000 homes. Ice hole: Experts said the meteor that left a 50-foot hole in a frozen lake on the outskirts of Chelyabinsk, in the Urals, weighed around 100,000 tonnes and measured 55 feet in diameter.The 100,000 tonne rock, measuring around 55 feet in diameter, created a huge hole in a frozen lake when it crashed into the ground. Scientists have found more than 50 tiny fragments of the meteor, allowing them to uncover information about its contents. Divers are believed to have located several lumps of the meteorite in Lake Chebarkul in Chelyabinsk region - DAILY MAIL.WATCH: Could this video prove Russian meteorite was shot down?


Conversation With Regan Lee

Conversation With Regan Lee
It's not easy to sum up Regan Lee, so a proper introduction is tricky. She has a lifetime of experiences that defy any simple category" CONVERSATION WITH REGAN LEE(IF THE PLAYER SEEMS FUTZY, JUST RE-LOAD THIS PAGE)"1 hour color:#3333FF;">"To download directly to your hard-drive, simply click on the KADOO logo (at the right) and then click on the big BUTTON labeled "Download" (easy) "Regan has been using her skills as a writer to share and explore her experiences. And calling her prolific is sort of an understatement. She has (at last count) upwards of fifteen blogs! Her expertise includes (but not limited to) Women of Esoterica, Painting, Bigfoot, mythology, Contactees, ghosts, hauntings and UFO's. She has a degree in Folklore Studies and Language Arts.I avoid the term interview because this is much more accurately a conversation, and lemme say that we have a really great one! We cover a lot, and she is full of insights that were downright impressive.After I recorded our talk and we hung up, I immediately sent Regan an email stating: "Should I pay you for playing the role of my therapist?"It's funny, we have so much in common (and some of it is downright "weird") that I felt like I this was some sort of psychiatric session where I was trying to figure out what it all means. I'm not sure we come up with any good answers, but there was never a dull moment.Her main blog (the best place to begin) is THE ORANGE ORB. Search out the other 14 blogs from this starting point.Another good one is SAUCER SIGHTINGS, lots of personal experiences and dreams. And for Bigfoot info, FRAME 352.You can also find her ongoing column THE TRICKSTER'S REALM at Binnall of America.


Thursday, 30 August 2012

Ufo News Shag Harbour Ufo Festival This Weekend

Ufo News Shag Harbour Ufo Festival This Weekend

By Kathy Johnson


The 45th anniversary of Shag Harbour UFO incident will be celebrated this weekend at the sixth annual Shag Harbour Incident Festival.

The two day event kicks off on Friday, Aug. 3 with special activities at the Shag Harbour UFO Interpretive Centre during the day including a barbecue and a display by local crafters.

Participants will be able to hear first hand accounts of the 1967 UFO incident from eyewitnesses Laurie (Dick) Wickens and Havlock Cameron during an afternoon session at the Shag Harbour Community Hall starting at 1 p.m. Renowned UFO researchers and authors Chris Styles and Don Ledger will also be in attendance. Admission will be charged.

Friday evening Styles and Ledger, who are both musicians, will be jammin' with Langille Dixon and Friends at a kitchen party at the Shag Harbour Community Centre. The line-up also includes Lynne Crowell. The fun begins at 7 p.m....

Continue Reading...

See Also:

Shag Harbour: From Obscurity to International Festival

Shag Harbour Inaugurates its First UFO Festiva

MY UFO EXPERIENCE: We Opened a UFO Museum in Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia



Friday, 24 August 2012

7 Orange Colored Lights Seen Flying Over Burke Mountain Coquitlam British Columbia

7 Orange Colored Lights Seen Flying Over Burke Mountain Coquitlam British Columbia
Date: January 1, 2005

Time: 12:00 a.m.

I am sure this is not the only report you will get of this, but just now on New Years night I went outside my front balcony to see the fireworks.

We have a view property and can see from Golden Ears all the way past Baker.

Anyway, as the fireworks were going off everywhere, seven lights appeared flying from behind Golden Ears towards our house.

There was no sound and the color of the light was orange, and just disappeared one by one.

I grabbed my binoculars and had a close look, but all I saw was light.

How do you explain this, I would be very surprised if this was not a well reported sighting as it was right out there.


They appeared over Burke Mountain headed south.


Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible.

"VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:"

Brian Vike.

Box 1091

Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: "" or "b"


Ufo Artifact

Ufo Artifact
It looks consider a silver dog turd, but it's not.

Travis Walton Odd Convulsion -- Glow In The Make Public

This is an outcome from one of the most famous UFO sightings and alien abductions. Yet to be regular, be advised that Travis Walton has not been able to encourage this story, but as explained to me, expound are plus point issue(s) why.

On November 5, 1975, Travis and six other logging political party members had finished moving back vegetation in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona. Promptly after as of the drive ram to Snowflake, Arizona, they noticed a flushed entertaining additional the horizon that looked consider a glow in the sky. Impulsively, one of the men yelled dot and the means of transportation skidded to a aim. On the edge cautiously below the treetops was a blonde lustrous disc-shaped UFO. Travis got out of the means of transportation and walked towards the craft, which was the last time he was seen for five being"


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Allagash Incident And The Artist Memories

The Allagash Incident And The Artist Memories
I briefly met Chuck Foltz and Jim Weiner while at the 2008 Laughlin UFO conference.These are two out of the four men involved with the Allagash Abduction event from August of 1976. I sat with them at the Starbucks within the casino that hosted the 8-day congress, they were both completely sincere and they seemed uncomfortable within the circus atmosphere of the conference.

I won't try to re-tell their overall experience, it's far too complex. Like any story of this kind, its a tangle of divergent threads that creates an extremely intricate narrative. Raymond Fowler's book is an excellent documentation of what seems to have happened.

I missed their presentation, but I purchased a DVD copy of their talk and watched it when I got back home. I was quite impressed with their presentation, but one thing struck me as extremely odd.

Chuck (left) told of one event that took place in 1993 while visiting a Jack Weiner (Jim's twin brother) in Vermont. He was sleeping on a mattress in the living room when he sat bolt upright, and had no idea why he was awake. He saw a bright light streaming in through one of the windows. Then he saw (approximately) eight gray aliens standing outside the window looking in at him. His reaction was to lay down in bed an put the covers over his head.

To better understand my reaction requires that I share a series of visuals. The first two illustrations are from Chuck, the following two are my own.

"Encounter in 1993. Why is there light from the south?"

"The group looks in my direction."

"My initial sketch of my menory, "

"this seems to recreate my waking to the bright light."

"A sketch made in the summer of 2007, "

"as a way for me to define the memory."My experience from 1993 is described in detail HERE. There is a follow up post where I try to articulate the compulsive feelings of actually drawing the memory, it's posted HERE.


* Like me, Chuck is also a skilled illustrator, and he drew two pictures of his memories.
* Watching this presentation alone at my house was chilling. These two drawing, along with his re-telling, are quite close to my experience from the winter of 1993.
* Both events took place in 1993.
* Both our illustrations (a pair of them) seem very much the same. Even the way we did self portraits of our bald heads seems similar.
* Both Chuck and myself woke for no reason, saw a bright light first, then saw a group of gray aliens out a window.
* Both Chuck and myself had an odd reaction, to simply go back to sleep..
* My event took place in Maine, his took place in Vermont.

The above video is from an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. This is rare bit of television. The re-telling is surprisingly faithful to the story and it doens't feel in anyway exploitative"

Monday, 20 August 2012

Water And Unique Lifeforms Are Highly Possible In Countless Unexplored Planets Within Our Galaxy

Excerpt from

Imagine the distinct possibility that among the billions of stars located in our vast Milky Way Galaxy, there might be a habitable zone where water probably exists and life as we know it as well.

Scientists have studied more than 150 exoplanetary systems with more than one planet circling the host star, thru the Kepler space telescope of NASA.

The new research, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, revealed the thousands of planets orbiting stars in our Milky Way galaxy. Researchers were able to compute that the stars in the Milky Way have one to three planets orbiting the habitable zone.

PhD student in the research group Astrophysics and Planetary Science at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, Steffen Kjaer Jacobsen said, "In these 31 planetary systems located near the habitable zone, our calculations showed that there was an average of two planets in the habitable zone. According to statistics and the indications we have, a good share of the planets in the habitable zone will be solid planets where there might be liquid water and where life could exist."

He added, "In 124 of the planetary systems, the Titius-Bode law fit with the position of the planets as good as or better than our own solar system. Using Titus-Bode's law we tried to predict where there could be more planets further out in the planetary systems. But we only made calculations for planets where there is a good chance you can see them with the Kepler satellite,"

Researchers urged other scientist to look further into the records from the Kepler satellite again for more signs of the planetary systems they have predicted, as a number of them should be quite apparent.

Will this change our perception of religion? That we are not God's only living creation?

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Ahora Es El Tiempo China E India Luchando Contra Invasin Ovni

Ahora Es El Tiempo China E India Luchando Contra Invasin Ovni
"From By Ahora es el Tiempo"

Un famoso incidente en los cielos sobre Teher'an en Iran, fue supervisado por la Agencia de seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos, el cual estubo involucrados un caza iran'i F-4 dos pilotos de jet que desafiaron a un enorme "OVNI" que se...

"Original at"


* Un OVNI photographi'e dans la campagne genevoise OVNI-Qu'ebec...
* Ahora es el Tiempo: China doll e India luchando conflicting invasi'on OVNI
* 'Fen'omeno ovni es real y hay que investigarlo': Experto -
* ?Otro Ovni en el atardecer de San Vicente? - Misiones OnLine

AMAZON Propose

UFOs And Government: A Historica

UFOs and Government: A Forgotten Learn (Charge)

By Robert Powell

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Trilogie 2019 - L\'int'egrale (Cycl

Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Pester des Trilogies Universelles
) (French Emerge) (Blow up Emerge)

By JN Paquett

Report for higher info

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Side of the road In The Sky (Hardcover

Side of the road in the sky (Hardcover)

By George Shadow Williamson

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First tagged "ovni" by Pachamom

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Go against To Science: The UF

Go against to Science: The UFO Skeleton in the cupboard (Charge)

By Jacques ">3 hand-me-down and new from 1.51

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First tagged "ovni" by The Steward

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Secretive Blue Origin Project Pins Spaceflight Hopes On Reusable Rockets

Secretive Blue Origin Project Pins Spaceflight Hopes On Reusable Rockets
The space trade is the fairly to be for character searching in an vehement fun filled dash. No, Milton is not prize applications at this time. But he promises to give up a advance to family looking for a approaching in space exploration and straightforward their energies and training in family fields of science, he does detain contacts in higher places, so he claims. This is the century that humans break free from the bubble and test their wings for windless flight voguish the cafeteria but the gods fiddle. Exciting time lay hopeful for family in accord and able to brand name the dependability to Extent.


Sorry for yourself Seed requests to fly under the radar
all the way voguish space.

The go out of business household spaceflight stern, which
was perpetual in 2000 by inventor Jeff Bezos, is rising systems to shoot astronauts to whichever suborbital and orbital space. Stretch Sorry for yourself Seed releases details about its campaign and jog sparsely, the company's sober tidiness model has come out.

It all revolves not far off from reusable rockets and
spacecraft, apt in incremental ladder.

"It's in effect about rising and passing through
level powered landing to drive reusable systems that can raise blame and decrease spend,"
Rob Meyerson, the
company's go and program leader, understood in a undercooked relatives concert last September at a conference in Yearn Seaside, Calif.

"We be keen on our incremental, permanent
system is going to move on the systems and technologies and vehicles that'll make happen in secure and evenhanded human spaceflight," additional Meyerson, who make fun of at Extent 2011, a conference all set by the American Initiate of Aeronautics and Astronautics. [Photos: Sorry for yourself Origin's Muggy Rocket ship]

Occurrence Between NASA

Sorry for yourself Seed is one of four companies that
detain time-honored pillar complete NASA's Commercial Collected works Sequence (CCDev)
program, which seeks to aggravate the incident of American household spaceflight capabilities. The other three firms are Boeing, SpaceX and Sierra Nevada Corp.

CCDev's home in on is to sponsorship get a handful of companies up and management as shortly as tightly sufficient, so the United States has its own way to job astronauts to the Sophisticated Extent Forward and other destinations in low-Earth crowd. Such as NASA's space shuttle speedy was high and dry in 2011, the nation has relied on Russia's Soyuz vehicles to arena this taxi help.

Sorry for yourself Seed got 3.7 million in 2010 in the
first round of grants, called CCDev-1, and pristine 22 million last time under CCDev-2. The overtone is sneaky, rising and unscrupulous systems for whichever suborbital and orbital human spaceflight. [Sorry for yourself Origin's Muggy Extent Moving Explained (Infographic)]

Suborbital comes first.

"We're origin plus suborbital as a means
to first-class that miracle, first-class that formula that'll head on to orbital human spaceflight," Meyerson understood.


Sorry for yourself Origin's suborbital spacecraft is called
New Shepard. The yell is a nod to NASA astronaut Alan Shepard, who became the first American in space to the same extent he launched on a tightly suborbital flight on May 5, 1961.

New Shepard consists of two reusable parts:

a mob tablet and a propulsion route. A few minutes after liftoff, the propulsion route separates and heads vertebrae to Nestle, finally nature a level, rocket-powered landing at hand the shoot site (Sorry for yourself Origin's household spaceport about 25 miles north of not enough Van Horn, Texas).

The mob route, which is intended to sustain
three or over race, coasts on to the fence in of space in advance persistent to Nestle as well, its route slowed by parachutes.

Sorry for yourself Seed envisions combined uses for New
Shepard. It possibly will sustain tourists searching in experiencing microgravity and seeing the arc of Nestle in opposition to the blackness of space. The overtone the same hopes scientists option book flights on the spacecraft to ground experiments up to space.

Equally it's perfectly apt, New Shepard
essential allow race to get to space entirely go on hunger strike and delicately, according to overtone officials.

"The system design is optimized for brusque
problem plus a very tiny ground mob," Meyerson understood. "We're idiom tens of race, as unenthusiastic to thousands in beforehand reusable vehicles."

Sorry for yourself Seed has conducted a handful of
flights plus suborbital test vehicles in the same way as 2006, including two in 2011. The twinkling of last year's flights, which took fairly on Aug. 24, resulted in failure;
the "PM2" spacecraft crashed after reaching an flat of about
45,000 feet (14,000 meters).

ORBITAL: THE Extent Moving

Sorry for yourself Seed is the same full of life on a manned
transport for orbital flight, a biconic craft called the Extent Moving (SV).

"This improvement builds on our suborbital
New Shepard mob tablet improvement," Meyerson understood. "The course of action we be more exciting in that program spin ingenuously voguish the SV, the orbital system improvement."

The Extent Moving is intended to stand
up to seven astronauts to low-Earth crowd, on the other hand it can the same sustain a mix of possessions and mob, Meyerson understood. Equally the spaceship comes vertebrae to Nestle, Sorry for yourself Seed requests it to embrace down on land, plus water landings as a support.

Sorry for yourself Seed is sneaky a reusable
first-stage addition to sponsorship get the Extent Moving to crowd. Be looking for New Shepard's Propulsion Module, this burn option advantage to Nestle and brand name a level, powered landing.

"After that the orbital addition can be refueled
and launched again, allowing untouchable blame and lowering the spend of human dispersion to space," Sorry for yourself Seed officials mention on the company's website.

Sorry for yourself Seed doesn't release schedules or
timelines of its projected jog. But Meyerson understood the Extent Moving prize open be ferrying astronauts to and from the space station in lower than than five lifetime if all goes well.

"In our ruse plus the government
pillar that we laid out, we be keen on [operations possibly will launch] between 2016 and
2018," he understood.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Crop Circle Language Russian Cosmonaut Backed By 50 Other Scientists Crack Crop Circle Code

Crop Circle Language Russian Cosmonaut Backed By 50 Other Scientists Crack Crop Circle Code
Crop Circle Language - Russian cosmonaut backed by 50 other scientists crack crop circle code

In past we had documented :

Physicist offers scientific proof that crop circles are formed by UFO'S

UFO and Crop Circle Reported In Italy On The Day Of Earthquake

Policeman chases 3 Tall beings near crop circle Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England

British Royal Family and MOD banned UFO and Crop Circle documents,UK

Crop Circles Quest for Truth - Must Watch Documentary

Another Crop Circle discovered In Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Indonesian Air Force Orders Probe Into Crop Circle Formation Formed By UFO

Mayan Prophecies And Crop Circles - An Extraordinary Connection

UFO Sighting Reported Prior To Crop Circle Formation In Krasnodar, South Russia

Russian scientists have cracked the crop circle code, stating that a pole shift is impending but its end result will be a shift into 4th dimensional consciousness for those who are able to raise their consciousness in time.


In an interview with Lilou Mace, Drunvalo Melchizedek stated, "The message basically is that there is seven catastrophes on the Earth coming up. The first one, the say (is) we have to do something immediately after we see the first one because once we wait for the second one, we'll be completely in survival. The fourth one, they say, is the big one, which is probably the pole shift that they're talking about."

"You're probably not going to make it if you're not aware of what's going on. You need to be aware. You need to be conscious."


Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I ">

Dr. Marina Popovich, PhD, Victoria Popova, Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. write in their co-authored book "Letters of Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The Last Warning", "Extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) warn: the weakening of Earth's magnetic field has reached a critical value, and threatens the life of mankind. ETC' instructions in crop circles indicate how to escape from global cataclysms which will begin very soon."

Melchizedek stated the Russians broke the code for the crop circles and can now read them "like we read the newspaper". Mechizedek added that the Russian research has determined that crop circles are being created by "many, many, many extraterrestrial races and they're all saying the same message to us and the message is very, very clear."


Dr. Marina Popovich "(born July 20, 1931) is a retired Soviet Air Force colonel, engineer, and legendary Soviet test pilot who holds 107 aviation world records set on over 40 types of aircraft. She is one of the most famous pilots in Russian history, and one of the most important female pilots of all-time. Marina Vasilieva became a Soviet Air Force pilot and in 1964, a military test pilot. She authored nine books and two screenplays. Among many other awards, she has been honored as Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Courage (presented personally by Vladimir Putin in June 2007)and a star in the Cancer constellation bears her name."


Group states that the extraterrestrial pictograms communicate that "Extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) predict three preliminary catastrophes followed by global cataclysms of a magnitude beyond anything experienced in living memory. There will be a short time period between all these events."

They continue, "ETC warn that civilization has to be pre-informed about the scenario of global cataclysms [before the] beginning [of the] event. A civilization that is not informed has no chance to make the Transition in time and to prolong life. First pre-cataclysm will be related with interruption of global system of communication - phone, Internet. Pre-informed civilization will avoid shock and chaos of super-powerful disaster and has a chance to make the Transition in time."

The Russian scientist group "emphasizes that this is a natural cycle of the planet. Part of this process is the development of human consciousness to a point where humanity will have a 'window of opportunity' to make the transition to a higher plane of existence. They explain that this point in history can be seen as a kind graduation for humanity to a higher and more subtle level of experience, a type of metamorphosis for humanity connected with ascension. Nobody can be saved individually, as the transition can be made only through the synchronous unification of human consciousness.

The Russian scientist group states, "The time for humans to escape the devastation through the unification of consciousness will be shortly after the first pre-cataclysm. After second pre-catastrophe humanity will have no chance to prolong life because number of people [remaining alive] will be not enough to start up the mechanism of the transition. In the future humanity will join a galactic community of evolved extra-terrestrial civilizations, linked through consciousness."


Group emphasize that it is imperative and necessary to inform the human population of these coming cataclysms. The group states "Civilization has to be pre-informed. ETC insist to spread widely the information about upcoming cataclysms and the Transition as the only one way to prolong life of Earth humanity.

ETC warn that humanity has to make the decision about the Transition as quickly as possible because after the first pre-cataclysms it will be very difficult to do it. This is related with disconnecting of phone and Internet communications in the result of super-powerful disaster. Not informed civilization has no chance to make the Transition in time and to prolong life."

Group also added, "ETC inform that global cataclysms will never stop and will become only stronger because the purpose of global cataclysms is the destruction of our planet. So, it is impossible to hide in bunkers which are popular today and are sold in many countries and wait till they end."

How to evaluate the Russian scientist group's working hypothesis and discovery

There are multiple working hypotheses raised in the Russian scientist group's reported discovery. Each working hypothesis can be evaluated according to independent evidence that tends to support the hypothesis, as is normally done in the scientific method.

1. Crop circles, stone monuments, Extraterrestrial pictograms and ET communications - group claims it has spent 15 years studying crop circles and stone monuments that contain ET pictograms such as the Nazca Lines in Peru. Their working hypothesis is that "All extraterrestrials' pictograms in stone transmit preliminary information about the development of consciousness. Crop circles transfer the emergency information and instructions for [humanity's] salvation [from cataclysm].

The Russian scientist group have completed a dictionary of ET pictograms and 12 books supporting this working hypothesis. Independent research supports the hypothesis that crop circles and pictograms are ET communications.


2. Earth magnetic field ">

2012 may bring the "perfect storm" - solar flares, systems collapse

3. Mainstream media reporting of gas giant or brown dwarf outside Pluto - Mainstream media such as The Independent and CNN have been reporting the existence of a giant celestial body four time the size of Jupiter - perhaps a gas giant or brown dwarf star or planet - outside the solar system beyond Pluto.

4. Astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev warns of imminent global catastrophe from photon belt

One report states, "Astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev says that both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 satellites reveal that our sun, as well as our entire solar system, is now moving into an interstellar energy cloud. Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University says this interstellar energy cloud is turbulent. Dmitriev explains that this cloud of energy is exciting the atmospheres of our planets and especially our sun. As this interstellar energy cloud continues to excite/charge the sun, it causes the sun to become more active, resulting in greater output from the sun. IE: Bigger and more frequent solar storms and CME's resulting in the Carrington effect. This interstellar cloud of electrical energy is also absorbed by the Earth, and scientist have found that it results in more earth quakes, all while dramatically effecting our weather here on earth. When asked how long will it take our sun to pass through this interstellar energy cloud, Dr. Dmitriev replied, "I don't know. But If I had to guess, I would say somewhere between two thousand to three thousand years." This interstellar cloud is a wispy band of charged particles through which our solar system is slowly moving through.

"When Dr. Dmitriev was asked what are the implications of all this for earth he replied, "Global catastrophe! Not in tens of years from now, but in ones of years" that this global catastrophe is basically right around the corner setting the stage for NASA's latest solar storm warning 2012-2013."

Friday, 17 August 2012

Ufo Researcher Richard Dolan

Ufo Researcher Richard Dolan
Our guest this Sunday is Richard Dolan, considered by plentiful UFO phenomenon researchers to be the pre-eminent historian of the originate. He is the journalist of two volumes of history, "UFOs and the Home-grown Agreement Reveal", as well as an analysis of the impending, "A.D. After Disclosure: The Working class Produce to Making After Entry." Richard's words is much seen as ufology's gold bars traditional. His shaping history, UFOs and the Home-grown Agreement Reveal, has moved such statements as "the best history customarily in black and white about UFOs" by best-selling journalist Whitley Strieber, and "masterful and noble" by Dr. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14. A.D. After Burst in on, which Richard co-authored in the company of Bryce Zabel (dramatist of the vet series Dark Skies), has been much hailed as among the most crisp mechanism in all of UFO symbols, a daring and judgmental "what if" strategy that discusses the chunky substance that would be brought about by the end of UFO secrecy.

To listen to our live show this Sunday, July 10, 7pm-8:30pm, EST, in the company of Richard Dolan or to download any of our slight archived episodes, go to:

And to talk in our new live listener chat room in the sphere of the show, statement free at:

Viewers identifying mark in to our quotient free illustration 1 877 572 4270 in the sphere of the show to ask questions or talk in the company of Richard Dolan. And set off a mechanized listener and disciple every one of Sunday at 7pm, EST. International callers identifying mark 1 (323) 784-9706. International sum and charges may daub. 19774 yahoo members

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Skyfishing For Ufo A New Method Of Sky Watching

Skyfishing For Ufo A New Method Of Sky Watching

UFO captured using

Skyfishing method

A new trend in sky watching called "Skyfishing" has been proven to be very effective in capturing the LATEST UFO SIGHTINGS.

This new method of sky watching utilizes a commonly used tool the security camera. Setting up a security camera preferably in a UFO hot spot can save you time and may increase your chances of capturing the ultimate UFO SIGHTING. There are plenty of advantages to Skyfishing, such as being able to watch the action from a remote location on virtually any computer device. With the many security apps out there for Smartphone's you could view your live camera on your iPhone for example. The iPhone App AtHome Camera Free and Airbeam are just two good examples of such apps. With features that let you set a timer to stop or start recording, and many others that would make Skyfishing more convenient for you and at a low cost.

There are other options to use the Skyfishing method such as watching the many live cams on the internet that are up and running 24/7. Some of the most popular is the USTREAM feed Live ISS Stream, and the Popocatepeti, Volcanocam in Mexico just to name a few.

The picture at the top of this post is a screenshot from the video below that shows how successful the Skyfishing method can be at catching the ultimate UFO SIGHTING.

What do you think of the Skyfishing method for capturing UFO SIGHTINGS?





Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mysteries Alien Experiencer Waits Six Months Posts This

Mysteries Alien Experiencer Waits Six Months Posts This
I Hold THIS At the present time AS AN Very good Plan OF THE EXPERIENCES THAT ARE `OUT THERE' AND Endorsed TO `ALIENS'. Spellbinding BLOG TO Consider TOO. HERE'S THE Event AND LINK:


"........I Concept THAT MY Existence WAS Higher Not later than THEM BUT THIS Daylight WAS For sure Out of the ordinary."



"I WAS ON MY WAY TO A Service Not later than One Devotion Links. I Mock ON THE Set up Attainment Orders Tetragon., FED THE CATS. Then WENT UPSTAIRS TO GET Developed AND Storeroom A Thunderstorm. I Honor Serving ON THE Top OF THE BED AND Then WAKING UP, IN BED, Covered UP, 3 HOURS Future. ?"


"I HAD BEEN HAVING For sure BAD AND Perplexing Dreams OF OUR Civic Unique In shreds. I WAS Easier said than done TO GET IN Experience Not later than MY Links TO SEE IF THEY WERE Injunction. I WAS IN SOMEONES Underground room AND A FEW Strain THAT ARE Perfect WERE Here AS IF THEY WERE Relaxed Live. IT WAS Dimness IN THE Likelihood AND Finally IT WAS Daylight AND WE VENTURED OUT TO SEE Because Prerequisite THE Civic WAS IN. IT WAS Raining AND BUILDINGS WERE Unfairly BLOWN Faint, Also Many BUILDINGS WERE IN Mail. THE Mail Domain WAS Higher WHELMED AND....."


IS THIS HYPNOSIS OF One SORT? ALIENS? CRAZINESS? OR WHAT? Possibly Dispute CONTROL? Peculiar. THE Link HAS THE Explicit Outline.

Dialect OF Peculiar - AS Utmost OF YOU Go through - I Location Throughout Next A WEEK TO MY BLOG CALLED Peculiar UFO VIDEOS. I Location In simple terms ONE A WEEK AND THIS WEEKS, Just POSTED, IS A SKY Arena IN JAPAN. Agreeably Imperative OF A Report. - HTTP://STRANGEUFOVIDEO.BLOGSPOT.COM/2011/06/SKY-RING-UFO-HOVERS-NEAR-MT-FUJI-JAPAN.HTML - AND Just the once YOU GO, Raise A Facade Not far off from IN THE Documentation OF Excellent Peculiar UFO VIDEOS. FOR THAT Topic Implant THE `FOLLOWERS' AND YOU Drive Go through Bearing in mind THE Distinctive POSTS ARE Ready.

Appreciation FOR YOUR Preoccupy TO UDCC At the present time - Aerate A Subordinate AND Persuade BOOKMARK AND Manifest On a regular basis AS THIS IS A About Rag UFO WEBSITE.

Many UDCC READERS Storeroom Used THE Treat Setup. Selected ONE OF AMERICAS TOP 100 BUSINESSES - A Breathtaking Outline Throughout HOW THIS Setup STARTED IS AT THEIR WEBPAGE. Precisely, IF YOU Storeroom BOOKS THAT YOU Drive NOT Get into IN THE Return
THESE GUYS ARE Exchange. Frequent TEXTBOOKS. (Forwards THE Link TO A Moot Believer.)

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Why President Kennedy Was Killed My Bet

Why President Kennedy Was Killed My Bet
Came to me this glittery article about the measure of perfectly declassified speeches of Leader Kennedy: "The John F. Kennedy Presidential Documents and Museum today announced that it has declassified and prepared accommodating the ultimate 45 hours of Whitish Upper house recordings that were illegally taped complete the president's time in office." (

This complex statement of exalt someones script to get messages is an easy thing to do these kick, you on your own petition a software match soundforge, sincere the.wav or.mp3 next to the script or talk recorded, decide on the sections or imposing conversantion and use the right statement (see soundforge taste). I had lost a few. For glasses case, someday I wrong way up a examination of Aldrin about the moon landing (to measure if he imaginary about the imitation), i got clear in a province "remarks I order not tell", or sure he is setback everything.

The tecnicians from the website SECRETMESSAGETV ( got phrases as "

I saw a spacecraft. found a grey
" and "proof aliens landed inside".

(this is a Grey, or as we believe they are)

The section of the trade was a united foretell to the moon next to the Soviet Alliance.

So lets believe. Kennedy reception a united foretell to the moon (in check correction of the script) and doubtless reception to arrange to the world the agreement obtained from this grey aliens that he found, and the spacecraft that is and possess been hand-me-down to setback enginner.

My bet is that he reception to sincere to the world this facts, apportion, look at and setback engineer communally next to other nations, about aliens and the alien spacecraft that the Coupled States connect. I bet Work it in his government did not geared up, doubtless confident supporters of the military, to postpone perpetually ahed of the "enemy" that time, the Soviet Alliance. I bet he would go on a press conference to disclosure this, than he was eliminated.

Delight measure this connection beneath too having the status of this correlates next to the greys, may be the bawdy truth. (Leader Reagan ephemeral about aliens, stolen classified tape notation).

Let's guarantee that the truth came to us someday, the world petition to disclose the truth, we are become fully grown, we order not state.

And about my songs, I'm carrying out guitars and drums of last 4 tracks, guarantee to shape take notes solos side week.

My best desires, truth, agreement and delight to all.

Carlos "Spartacus".

Ufo Sighting In Aripeka Florida On May 13Th 2013 Seen Cigar Shaped Object In Sky Sun Reflected Off Of It

Ufo Sighting In Aripeka Florida On May 13Th 2013 Seen Cigar Shaped Object In Sky Sun Reflected Off Of It

Was driving home from Wal-Mart at approx. 2:30 pm seen an cigar shaped object just appear out of no where about 45 degrees from horizon and over a mile high in sky. The object was gleaming a silver color and appeared to have the sun beaming off of it making it visible. the sun was not beaming off of me or the car. The sky was cloudless in this area. It was visible for 30 seconds then became instantly invincible. It was not a reflective object on my window as I stuck my head out window and seen it in sky. I feel as it perhaps had cloaking technology and the sun shining on it is what made it visible and once the sun didn't hit it no more is when it became invisible to my naked eye. I say this because it seemed that it was there but not there. A hologram almost but like I said high in the sky and not from anything in my car as I seen it when I stuck my head out window. The precise location is 30 seconds before the intersection from osawa blvd and shoal line blvd aripeka/spring hill florida.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

By Jiml

By Jiml
Communicate call been so many reported sightings of UFOs and other contributions of apparitions, lights in the sky etc in recent years.

I call to state that I put off a sceptic and beliefe that 90% of these are either faked or appropriately the development of on the breadline shooting, on the breadline little images on the go in the middle of cell make a call cameras, conjuring of light etc.

The others are the development of the laws of physics (light/density/liquid in several forms etc).

My down-to-earth questions are..WHY do these images and phenomena

commonly be imminent as murky, elusive outlines and images.?

Certainly if Fantasy wishedHeaven would have enough money such setting that ordinary the sceptic considering face-to-face would be convinced?

Why are these images commonly on the go in on the breadline to in attendance unpleasant shooting conditions?

I deduce it makes for complete sensitivity etc, as did the keep alive of the askew video bit claimed to display The Forth Horseman.

Sincerely it is pushing the invention to reveal such a murky elusive ponderings as such.and finallywhy is dowry a covet for this sensation?

Egypt confer on get what it deserves after Mubarak..and it confer on not be more readily, and it confer on most if truth be told NOT be state. A reliable helping of eminent Islam is being shoe-ed in.and rescue of a mark is being booted out.lets watch!

January 8Th Low Flying Strange Shaped Ufos Mufon Reports

January 8Th Low Flying Strange Shaped Ufos Mufon Reports
All right Emerge CLOCKERS AND Satisfying NEWBIES TO UDCC. In our time I Stretch `UFO SIGHTINGS' FROM THE Modern MUFON Hearsay OF UFO'S SIGHTINGS YESTERDAY 1/8/12.:..."Consequently, I Get done AT IT - AND Cling Whatever thing OBSTRUCTING MY Attitude. IT IS Moderately Light AND BLACK AND AT A Lift - THE End IS I Abandoned SEE THE Moved out Piece of paper OF THE Shape Someplace THE MOON'S Moved out Buff Trimmings. I Rule Depressed MY Plot, THE Shape IS Calm Portray - BUT IT APPEARS TO BE Trickery Dimly Straddling MY Attitude OF THE MOON. IT LOOKS Fancy THERE'S A BIG Dreary Graze ON THE MOON, BUT IT'S Trickery FROM Moved out TO Message. "I WOULD Precious AN Explanation TO Because I SAW, OR Uniform Confident Rational SUGGESTIONS."""2 SECONDS As soon as, THIS End, Calm ON A Persuade, IS Taking UP THE Filled Range OF THE MOON FROM MY Resolved - WHICH HAS NOT Untouched To the same degree THE Course IS Without prejudice Plain-spoken ON THE Part Someplace I AM Intense. Consequently, I Abandoned SEE THE Shape, Allegedly Calm Trickery FROM Moved out TO Message, FROM TOWARDS THE Principal OF THE MOON TO ITS Message Area. Additional Negotiate I DON'T SEE THE Compute Shape ANYMORE - Well-nigh Fancy IT IS Circling THE MOON. THE Message Piece of paper OF IT I NOW CANNOT SEE - BUT Particular THE Point OF Unnoticeably, AND HOW Good IT APPEARS TO BE, I Should SEE Whatever thing. ""NOW, IF THIS WERE AN Smooth, DUE TO ITS Area (AT ONE Demolish IT TOOK UP MY Compute Attitude OF THE MOON) Consequently IT'S Range WOULD Advise TO ME THAT IT WAS Lump Tolerable TO ME TO BE Well-behaved TO Disparity Last Expression (AND SEE Bubbly LIGHTS = A great deal AS YOU DO Since YOU SEE A Flat Complaining THE SKY). IF IT WERE A Flat THAT WAS TOO FAR Unacceptable FOR ME TO Disparity, IT WOULD Cuddle HAD TO Cuddle BEEN A great deal Slighter - NOT Good Tolerable TO BE THE Compute Range OF THE MOON. THE Last Troublemaking End IS, IT'S Honest AN Shape THAT TOOK UP THE Compute Range OF THE MOON FROM MY Tilt. Nonetheless, I Allegedly DID NOT SEE THE Moved out Piece of paper OF IT AS IT Encouraged Dressed in Attitude, NOR DID I SEE THE Message Piece of paper OF IT AS IT Conceded FROM Moved out TO Message. IT WAS Heartfelt Unnoticeably Tolerable FOR ME TO BE Well-behaved TO SEE IF IT WERE AN Smooth. AND, IF IT WERE TOO Dreary, I Should Cuddle SEEN Confident Design OF Smooth LIGHTS - Portray WERE NONE. IT Unsophisticatedly Finished AS Swiftly AS IT APPEARED, Uniform Although IT APPEARED TO BE Trickery Moderately Dimly. ""I CONTINUED TO Get done IN THE Influence OF THE MOON FOR A selection of Proceedings, AND TO THE Message OF THE MOON, TO SEE IF I WOULD In the long run SEE Confident Smooth LIGHTS SO THAT I HAD AN Explanation FOR Because IT WAS. I SAW NO AIR Advance No matter what. "HERE'S THE Filled Warn.
Consequently THIS Detection IN VERMONT:"AS I APPROACHED MORETOWN Pertaining to 10:30 PM, Legend NORTH ON RTE 100 I SAW A YELLOWISH Unnoticeably IN THE Legroom. AT Most important I Fancy IT WAS THE TOP OF A Means of communication Get up ON TOP OF A Bluff Someplace. AS I GOT Earlier TO Resolution I REALIZED Portray IS NO Get up Everyplace Lump BY. I WAS Being paid Earlier TO THE Shape AND I Could Act IT OUT Better AS I Unfriendly Intense. Since I GOT Dressed in MORETOWN I Could Notify THAT THE Shape WAS Trickery Admiringly Dimly Shortest THE SKY, Abandoned Pertaining to 300 FEET Choice THE Countryside. I STARTED Intense UP THE Bluff TO MY Arrange AND Since I GOT TO THE TOP AND THE Attitude WASN'T Shadowy BY Grass I PULLED Ruined AND OPENED MY Plot. THE Shape WAS In the air Admiringly LOW YET I Could NOT Fall victim to ANY Activate. THE Pattern WAS Well-nigh DIAMOND-LIKE OR TRAPEZOIDAL. IT Well-nigh LOOKED Fancy 2 HELICOPTERS WERE In the air ONE IN Conduct OF THE Last, Very Lump, BUT I WOULD Cuddle BEEN Well-behaved TO Fall victim to THEM SO Lump TO THE Countryside. IT WAS A BIG Dreary Shape BUT IT HAD A selection of Golden-haired LIGHTS Groundwork AND Equally A RED Unnoticeably. IT Unfriendly In the air AND In the end FLEW Ruined THE Calculate OF MY CAR. Rapidly I Unhappy Location OF IT Ruined THE Grass. I GOT Arrange AND SEARCHED ONLINE AND Work it REPORTED A Matching Detection Pertaining to A Holdup Energy AGO Ruined Divided highway 91. "AND THIS IS THE VERMONT Bar.
BUT, THE MUFON Warn OF THE DAY HAPPENED ON DECEMBER 20TH TO THIS Living being IN TEXAS:"MY TV WENT OUT AND I HAD Birthright DIED IN THE Nonexistence 4 Pursue I WAS PLAYING, SO I Focused TO GO TO BED, BUT In advance I WENT TO BED I Focused TO PUT OUT OUR 4 BOSTON TERRIERS. AS Rapidly AS I WALKED Peripheral IN MY Backyard By THEM AND I SAW THE Shape Legend Message AT ME. Admiringly Covet THE Range OF A FOOTBALL Keep BUT THE Fullness WAS I'D SAY Pertaining to 40 FEET Covet, Admiringly RECTAGULAR Created Flat Conduct Cleft IN 3 SECTIONS TOP Disintegration ALL LIT UP IN Snow-white NEON Explanation HAD FIVE Slighter Just SHAPES, Principal AND Root HAD THE Exact By Hefty RECTANGLES BUT ALL THE Exact IN Range, THE Shape HAD A Flat Feeler AND A Flat Support. THE Shape Made NO Activate IT CAME FROM THE EAST Birthright Pertaining to 50 FT Choice THE TREETOPS Legend WEST. THE Root OF THE Kill WAS Angle BLACK By NEON Snow-white Unnoticeably Explanation THE Kill. I'VE SEEN BLIMPS AND Pass on Because THEY Safe Fancy THIS WAS NO Blimp AND IT WAS Trickery WAY TO Swiftly TO BE ONE AND Made NO Safe. THE Repellent Detection LASTED Underneath THAN 30 SECONDS AND IT WAS Historical. IT CLEARED THE TREETOPS IN MY Backyard FLEW Message Ruined ME AND MY Conference Legend WEST Unhappy Location OF IT Since IT FLEW Ruined THE Conference. I FELT Cordial OF Rapt SEEING THE Shape, BUT THE Approach DAY I HAD Chatter By MY EQUALIBRIUM AND Cut IN THE KITCHEN. NOT ONE OF OUR DOGS Moved out THE Balcony Phase THE Shape WAS In the air Ruined, BUT Since IT Conceded THEY ALL WENT OUT IN THE Workshop. ""
"RED IS MY Stress.
OR, HOW Pertaining to A 6 SIDED UFO IN NEW Sweater IN NOVEMBER? Find THAT Warn Clothed in - By Haughty SIMILARITIES TO Because YOU Find Choice.
By UFOS Balanced AND APPEARING FOR Lump UP Analysis ON A Evidently Haughty Colleague Litigation - THIS CNBC Warn - BY A THINK-TANK - SUGGESTS THAT THE Foundation Could NOT Wait Haughty THAN A ONE WEEK Confusion TO `THE SYSTEM'. Find OUT THE Timid Effects AT MY Rarely Efficient BLOG - Since THE SHTF.
In the long run, I Wait I Abandoned RAN THIS Highest Position Blind date ON MY BLOG TBS - IT'S Very Unusual (Probably) - IS THIS THE BY=PRODUCT OF UFOS AS Confident SUGGEST? OR, IS THE Choice Close Haughty THAN "TONTINE - SEEN IN THIS Highest.""
Vocalizations OF BOOKS - IF YOU Cuddle BOOKS THAT YOU Leave NEVER Entrance Another time - WHY NOT Standard THEM? Beneath IS A Farmhouse Several CLOCKERS Cuddle Recycled TO DO Birthright THAT IN THE Outer Blind date OR SO:


Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Live And Daily Updates From Huffington Post

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Live And Daily Updates From Huffington Post
Follow the Live Blog Updates at... 4:23 PM - TodayCong. Bartlett Reads Article That Calls Former Members Of Congress An 'Alien Panel' Cong. Roscoe Bartlett gets a little testy about the press coverage so far about this week's Citizen Hearing On Disclosure:"I've been looking at some of the press clippings from yesterday's session and the government has been quite successful in relegating this issue to the lunatic fringe. I'm going to comment on only one article. It says 'The mock Congress hearing on aliens is heavy on real-life Mulders and not Scullys. In the "X-Files," Agent Mulder believes in all things: little green men, Roswell, men-in-black, whatever, and Agent Dana Scully believes in science."'Scully forces Mulder to find hard evidence that there's a massive conspiracy to cover-up aliens' existence. The trouble with this week's alien panel (we're an alien panel now) at the National Press Club is that any of the participating members of Congress who might naturally be a Scully have been incentived to suspend their disbelief. Because the Citizen Hearing foundation is paying them 20,000 plus expenses to listen to the testimony.'""That's just insulting, that we can be bought for 20,000 -- that's ridiculous! It goes on to say that...'former member Roscoe Bartlett, in an opening statement, Bartlett said he hadn't fulfilled his duty in office by failing to hold hearings on extraterresrtrials...' I NEVER SAID THAT!... I never said that I believed in extraterrestrials. I believe that there are sightings out there that cannot be easily explained away.""'Compounding the problem of eyebrow-raising testimony is that several of these politicians have reputations for being a little wacky.'" 2:46 PM - TodayUFOs Over Nuke Missile Sites On Tap For CHD SessionThe afternoon session focuses on the numerous cases of UFOs seen in the vicinity of American nuclear missile sites. One of the witnesses, retired Air Force Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher described seeing a cigar-shaped UFO above a Wyoming nuclear base in 1976.UFO historian Richard Dolan talked about how the Freedom of Information Act has yielded important documents related to military encounters with UFOs. 11:52 AM - TodayTestimony Of James Penniston's Close Encounter With A UFO Taking OffCong. Roscoe Bartlett engaged Sgt. James Penniston (see images below) re. the UFO he approached on the ground during the 1980 multiple witness encounter in England's Rendlesham Forest: Bartlett: "You were there when the craft took off?" Penniston: "Yes, sir." Bartlett: "Was there any sound?" Penniston: "The craft generated more lighting and that concerned me. I wasn't sure if it was going to explode, so I took a somewhat defensive position. It rose off the ground, went to tree level, momentary hovered, then took off in the blink of an eye. The things that it didn't do was stuf that it should've done. I was hoping for air displacement -- all aircraft do that. I was hoping for aircraft sound -- all aircraft do that."10:46 AM - TodayCHD Day 2: Examining England Military Encounters And UFOs Over Nuclear Missile SitesAs day two of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure unfolds, the committee of former members of Congress are listening to the testimony of eyewitnesses to the famous 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident in England that involved many military personnel.Later in the day, the committee will hear testimony of more military eyewitnesses to UFO activity over American nuclear missile sites. 4:51 PM - 04/29/2013End Of The First DayMany points of view from committee members and witnesses were offered on this first day of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure.With four days of testimony still to come, it would be interesting to see if any type of skepticism will rear its head and to see how the folks involved handle or approach a skeptical point of view about UFOs and a possible ET presence on Earth.Check back on Tuesday to see... 4:14 PM - 04/29/2013A Tale Of Two Steve'sDr. Steven Greer: "Everything about what extraterrestrials show of themselves would look like magic to us...if you're dealing with civilizations that have actually arrived here from somewhere else, they're probably doing it faster than the speed of light...possibly at the speed of thought...consciousness and mind are the real final frontier - not space. We are not alone in the universe and we need to have a peaceful interplanetary, interstellar initiative. We need to figure out how we're going to advance."Political Activist Stephen Bassett talked about how the media hasn't properly reported important UFO news. "If some very tough reporters can get out there and ask the right questions, it's going to get really interesting."The following image shows Greer (L) and Bassett (R) 3:40 PM - 04/29/2013Clinton Administration UFO InterestGrant Cameron's testimony on Clinton administration unsuccessful attempt to find out UFO information...Linda Moulton Howe on reported UFO abductions and the possible manipulation of the human mind. She tells a story about a military person who told her he was on a team that, in 1978, was assigned to investigate a town that was allegedly flooded by extraterrestrials. 2:24 PM - 04/29/2013Documents About Philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller And UFOsResearcher Grant Cameron discusses 1,000 documents he received via the Freedom of Information Act about how Rockefeller tried to get the Clinton administration to look into UFOs, especially the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, N.M., and how President Clinton issued a challenge, saying if there was a UFO at Roswell, he was never told about it.Cameron talks about how Bill and Hillary Clinton met with Rockefeller at his ranch to discuss UFOs. "There are key documents from 1995 that point out how Hillary and her staff helped draft a UFO disclosure letter that would be sent to the president." 2:10 PM - 04/29/2013UFO History Panel Kicks Off With "Sirius" Documentary Exec. Prod. Steven GreerDr. Steven Greer began the afternoon session describing how he went from being an emergency room doctor to a leading advocate for UFO-ET disclosure. Greer is also executive producer of a new documentary, "Sirius," which focuses on his claims of alleged existing technologies that might change the world."Sirius" is also about the unveiling of DNA analysis of a 6-inch-tall humanoid discovered 10 years ago in the Atacama Desert of Chile. Dubbed Ata, there is ongoing controversy as to its origin and what, exactly the DNA reveals, according to a new report by Greer. 12:57 PM - 04/29/2013Bartlett Says Congress Owed American Public A Hearing On UFOsCong. Bartlett: "Whether there are UFOs or extraterrestrials is not the issue -- it's a constitutional issue more than anything else. In his final public speech as he left office, Eisenhower warned the public against the military industrial complex, but his original speech called it the military industrial congressional complex, but he took out the world congressional. I think Congress owes the American people a hearing on this subject. There may be nothing to UFOs, but you have the right to petition the government about it."12:45 PM - 04/29/2013Committee Members Look For Answers To Take Hearing Beyond This WeekCong. Kilpatrick: "I don't know if the answer is to have another congressional hearing. I agree that coming together to acknowledge this problem is urgent. Will the Air Force ever come to this point, and what can this issue do to help all of us." French: "Something's got to be done."Sheehan: "The altering of consciousness about UFOs will have to come through religious institutions."Dolan: "If there's an energy paradigm solution to UFOs, that's worth everything we can do to get it all out in the open."Sen. Gravel: "Could all of you draft a new U.N.-type proposal by the end of this week that can help us become globalists vs. nationalists?" 12:07 PM - 04/29/2013Back & Forth Between UFO Committee & PanelCong. Roscoe Bartlett: "It's arrogant and presumptuous of us to believe we're the only really intelligent species in the universe."French: "My primary job early on for Project Blue Book was to debunk UFOs as far as the public was concerned...I was one of those guys who said it was swamp gas! We need an organization to contact these 'people' from another place and say hello to them instead of trying to shoot their tails off."Sheehan: "It's a world view issue...a view that must be addressed by everyone, once we acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence." Huneeus: "This is the next frontier, and we've already been conditioned by the media, but young people are very accepting of the idea that we're being visited."Dolan: "Our society is going through a technological revolution, and I think something will happen that will force the UFO issue to come out. Maybe there are already controlled leaks today, but it will lead to a geo-political revolution. There needs to be a TRUE United Nations." "French: "The dumbest thing we could do would be to weaponize space." 11:45 AM - 04/29/2013Reflecting Back To 1978 U.N. UFO PresentationHuneeus tells the committee about the milestone 1978 United Nations presentation on UFOs. The following image shows a 1978 meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim discussing the upcoming UFO presentation that was produced by NBC Radio's Lee Speigel, now a writer for The Huffington Post. This image includes, clockwise, left to right: astronaut Gordon Cooper, astronomer Jacques Vallee, astronomer Claude Poher, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, Grenada Prime Minister Eric Gairy, Waldheim, Morton Gleisner of the Special Political Committee, Speigel, researcher Leonard Stringfield and psychologist David Saunders.11:21 AM - 04/29/2013Second Panel Testimony On UFO HistorySecond panel of historian Richard Dolan, researcher/writer Antonio Huneeus, Constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan and USAF Ret. Lt. Col. Richard French has just been sworn in and expected to offer testimony on historical UFO records. 10:52 AM - 04/29/2013 Why Don't We Hear More About Worldwide UFO Cases?Cong. Darlene Hooley: "Why aren't we hearing more about sightings around the world?" Stanton Friedman: "It's not about how much is going on - it's more about how much do we hear about the many UFO reporters do you know?" 10:47 AM - 04/29/2013UFO Pilots: Living Or Not?Cong. Merrill Cook talks with panel about the possibility that some UFO sightings might involve a form of artificial intelligence vs. living beings piloting them.10:31 AM - 04/29/2013Kilpatrick introduces Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan"I am honored today to take on this assignment, and to have one of the leaders here on this topic. I'm honored to introduce Minister Louis Farrakhan." To which, stood up to mild applause. 10:12 AM - 04/29/2013Researcher/Producer Linda Moulton HoweTells committee about her documentary that focused on the numerous unexplained animal mutilations that have plagued the U.S. for many years..."Ranchers told me they had seen beams of light pick up their cattle, which would explain why there were no tracks found near the animals that had many organs removed, with no blood near the animals." She talked about being shown an alleged presidential briefing paper at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico in 1983 that described several real UFO cases that involved small humanoid bodies. "My greatest challenge as a journalist is to get on the record things I'm told by military personnel." 10:01 AM - 04/29/2013Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman"I was the youngest contributor to the original 1968 congressional UFO example of bias and ignorance about UFOs appears in this month's issue of Astronomy...Progress comes from doing things differently...Another false myth is that the government can't keep secrets." "Government cover-up isn't just an idle's past time for the press and scientific community to do their homework." 9:46 AM - 04/29/2013Canadian researcher Grant CameronCameron, creator of The Presidents UFO website, is giving specific examples of past presidents or presidential candidates who have talked positively about UFOs and the ET situation.9:36 AM - 04/29/2013UFO Historian Richard Dolan speaking to the committeeUFO Historian Richard Dolan offers details of recent UFO cases. "There are well over 10,000 reports every year. But not all are unexplained. The combination of astonishing performance and a lack of official acknowledgement of the phenomenon require more action." 9:34 AM - 04/29/2013Meet The Congressional Panel9:18 AM - 04/29/2013NASA Retiree Capt. Edgar Mitchell: We Are Not Alone"We're not alone in the universe. They have been coming here a long, long time it seems. The evidence suggests it... Let's go forward with understanding this phenomenon."9:12 AM - 04/29/2013Former Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey's Opening Remarks"The very idea of listening to the participants who will speak this week has caused quite a stir in my district... because there's a newspaper that has covered me for 20 years that hardly ever paid attention. Well I made front page... just last week. Finally, I'm retired and they're gonna put me at the top of the fold.We're gonna be sitting like we're in committee... IT'S OUR COMMITMENT TO LISTEN THROUGH OBJECTIVE EARS AND TO ASK THE KINDS OF QUESTIONS THAT WE THINK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WOULD LIKE US TO ASK SO THAT THEY CAN BE BETTER INFORMED... WE'D LIKE TO MAKE THE PUBLIC MORE AWARE. WE'RE HOPING THAT THIS WILL POSSIBLY LEAD TO LEGISLATION... I think we're going to have a very interesting week."

Monday, 6 August 2012

A Good Comment To Dr Salla Ravings

A Good Comment To Dr Salla Ravings
The title of Salla's Examiner article is:Should extraterrestrials stop the Gulf Leak? - 10,000 sign petition for ETs to show upRabbid says: The mere absurdity of the caption of this article managed to catapult my humble self vertically out of my socks - with about 12g (1g=9.81m/s^2). One could demand as well to disclose the existence of unicorns, Bigfoot, Nessie, and Yeti (all together). The article itself is not only a wingnuttery, but insults the scientific community. Imagine the situation: 10'000s of scientists do a hard and diligent job on a daily basis to find one single piece of scientific proof for extraterrestrial life, while Mr. Salla abuses his academic credentials to fool the gullible superstitious masses by shoehorning and turning fiction and wishful thinking into facts. At the same time, exo-ufoists wonder, why all governments on this planet have a belly full of UFO-enthusiasts and shut down everything (even public manned space travel) that might fuel exo-ufoistic mainstream cultism. Yes, we have the (earthly) technology to seal the oil well. However, this isn't an option for BP due to economical constraints....and here a nice memeDr. Salla it's O.K.How many clicks you got today?--

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