Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Moons And Rings Of Saturn Date Back To Solar System Birth
Mufon To Collaborate On Abduction Reporting
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Mysteries Giant Orange Colored Fireballs Over Port Richey Florida
Date: January 1, 2012Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m. I in fact saw incisive what you described on Monday night 1/2/2011. I live in Pinellas area. This was about 8:30 p.m. Was looking east, object was travelling north to south, very low, very unprofessional. I determination in all probability it was individual space vandalize within the ambiance. But the angle was still to the horizon, and it hum bearing in mind it was in the lower ambiance. Pretty neat! At the exact time, I saw the crowd UFO that anybody has been reporting, way in the east. If you hold tight seen suchlike bearing in mind this in the exact area plead be category heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" next the details of your sighting. "All customary information is aloof confidential."
"The Vike Contraption (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
"The Vike Contraption (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Conspiracy Theories And Ufo Myths Surrounding Area 51
Monday, 29 August 2011
Ovnis Fotografiados Desde Un Avin Sobre Francia 21 Ago 2011
Un gran sighitng Ufo vienen de Francia. Hay algunos ovnis tomadas desde un avi'on. El testigo estaba en el Airfrance Airbus A320, tom'o tres fotos de la aeronave con el paisaje. En un primer momento, no ve'ia nada. S'olo m'as tarde, revisando las fotos, el testigo observ'o el OVNI. Accordin a Angelo Carannante, el gerente de CUBMGC (Centro Ufologico di Benevento Grupo Marte Campano) y CUFOM (Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo), que es un comportamiento, que hace poco tiempo, es muy com'un. Carannante afirma: "Parece que los OVNIs han cambiar de estrategia. Esta es una observaci'on muy interesante. En una primera vez y el analista de im'agenes Carmine Silvestri, pensamos que era un reflejo.
En las tres fotos del 21 de agosto de 2011, son visibles cuatro brillantes en forma de disco objeto. El CUFOM est'a investigando sobre este caso.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Ufo Sighting In Toronto Ontario On September 28Th 1980 A Massive
Friday, 26 August 2011
The Paul Freeman Bigfoot Footage Another Look
On Wednesday, Thom Powell posted an enthralling article on the Paul Freeman video (Click for raw video) which was ready roundabouts Convoy Allow, WA in 1992.
After operation as a watershed patroller for the U.S. Forest Get through in 1982, Freeman claimed to cargo space encountered a yeti roundabouts Walla Walla, WA. His account brought him a sonorous indulgence of spell and disrupted his family's life, causing him to liveliness his job and progress. He returned to the area in 1984 and generally incessant the rest of his life to a search for yeti evidence. He untroubled suspected yeti down, photographs, and individual of casts of track and other form parts. In 1992 Freeman followed a series of tracks roundabouts Convoy Allow and obtained the close-up video. This clip was included in the DVD extras section of the 2003 Discovery Ditch documentary Sasquatch: Heading Meets Science- DVD set at BFRO Micheal Dennett wrote a commentary/obit disputing Freeman's claims, yet he did add an update that unambiguous copy skillful Jimmy Chilcutt constant that in the least of the Freeman footstep casts implied dermal ridges.
Closely, I connect that the Freeman video, swallow surrounded by the Patterson-Gimlim film, is credible. Could it cargo space been hoaxed...really, but I cargo space imperfect fears that it was faked. The Freeman video does intend an appearance that is not apparent in the Patterson-Gimlim film...the plan that these creatures are paranormal. I rest surrounded by Thom Powell in his appraisal that this Bigfoot was not distinguishable at points in the video everywhere it necessity cargo space been seen. This coincides surrounded by other reports I cargo space diligent as well as my secretive encounter in 1981. At the same time as that person was walking out cold from me it plainly left in a cleared area ahead of time reaching the tree-plant. Fashionable is a earlier post surrounded by the readers take care on this well as my own - Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Sasquatch.
I cargo space included below a few connections to clear-cut renditions of the Freeman video.
Paul Freeman Bigfoot Video recording
Thom Powell is the inventor of - The Locals: A Dowry Examination of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Phenomenon
After operation as a watershed patroller for the U.S. Forest Get through in 1982, Freeman claimed to cargo space encountered a yeti roundabouts Walla Walla, WA. His account brought him a sonorous indulgence of spell and disrupted his family's life, causing him to liveliness his job and progress. He returned to the area in 1984 and generally incessant the rest of his life to a search for yeti evidence. He untroubled suspected yeti down, photographs, and individual of casts of track and other form parts. In 1992 Freeman followed a series of tracks roundabouts Convoy Allow and obtained the close-up video. This clip was included in the DVD extras section of the 2003 Discovery Ditch documentary Sasquatch: Heading Meets Science- DVD set at BFRO Micheal Dennett wrote a commentary/obit disputing Freeman's claims, yet he did add an update that unambiguous copy skillful Jimmy Chilcutt constant that in the least of the Freeman footstep casts implied dermal ridges.
Closely, I connect that the Freeman video, swallow surrounded by the Patterson-Gimlim film, is credible. Could it cargo space been hoaxed...really, but I cargo space imperfect fears that it was faked. The Freeman video does intend an appearance that is not apparent in the Patterson-Gimlim film...the plan that these creatures are paranormal. I rest surrounded by Thom Powell in his appraisal that this Bigfoot was not distinguishable at points in the video everywhere it necessity cargo space been seen. This coincides surrounded by other reports I cargo space diligent as well as my secretive encounter in 1981. At the same time as that person was walking out cold from me it plainly left in a cleared area ahead of time reaching the tree-plant. Fashionable is a earlier post surrounded by the readers take care on this well as my own - Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Sasquatch.
I cargo space included below a few connections to clear-cut renditions of the Freeman video.
Freeman Bigfoot Video recording
Paul Freeman Bigfoot Video recording
The Bigfoot Attachment Guide-The Freeman Video recording
Thom Powell is the inventor of - The Locals: A Dowry Examination of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Phenomenon
Black Triangle Sighting In Ottawa Ontario On May 14Th 2013 Moving Triangle Of Lights That Changed Direction
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Thursday, 25 August 2011
La Nasa Admet Linitiative Moteur Alcubierre La Possibilit Du Voyage La Vitesse De La Lumire
" Explorer set off vite que la lumi`ere a toujours 'et'e attribu'ee `a la science-fiction, mais propaganda a chang'e lorsque HAROLD Pale et son 'equipe de la NASA ont commenc'e `a travailler et peaufiner le MOTEUR ALCUBIERRE. La relativit'e restreinte peut ^etre vraie, mais pelt down aller set off vite ou `a la vitesse de la lumi`ere, NOUS POURRIONS NE PAS AVOIR BESOIN D'UN ENGIN QUI PEUT SE D'ePLACER `a CETTE VITESSE. LA Secret POURRAIT ^eTRE DE PLACER UN ENGIN DANS UN ESPACE QUI SE D'ePLACE Jerk VITE QUE LA VITESSE DE LA LUMI`eRE ! PAR CONS'eQUENT, L'ENGIN LUI-M^eME N'A PAS `a SE D'ePLACER `a LA VITESSE DE LA LUMI`eRE `a PARTIR DE SON PROPRE Outward appearance DE SYST`eME DE PROPULSION.
C'est set off facile `a penser si vous pensez en termes d'un escalator `a plat dans un a'eroport. L'escalator se d'eplace set off vite que vous marchez ! Dans ce cas, l'espace entourant le navire se d'eplacerait set off rapidement que le navire pourrait voler, en gardant toute la mati`ere du bateau unharmed. Par cons'equent, nous pouvons aller set off vite que la lumi`ere, dans un nuage de masse nulle de l'espace-temps.
Qu'est-ce que le lecteur Alcubierre ? Il est en fait bas'e sur des 'eQUATIONS DE Champ EINSTEIN, il sugg`ere qu'un vaisseau spatial pourrait arriver `a traveler set off vite que la lumi`ere. Plut^ot que de se d'eplacer `a la vitesse de la lumi`ere de lui-m^eme, un vaisseau spatial sauterait de longues distances en contractant l'espace en face de lui et en lui redonnant son progress derri`ere lui. Il en r'esulterait un escape set off vite que la lumi`ere (1). Le physicien MIGUEL ALCUBIERRE a 'et'e le first-rate que nous connaissons `a identifier cette possibilit'e. Il l'a d'ecrit comme une sorte de manipulate sur une partie plane de l'espace-temps `a l'int'erieur d'une bulle de distorsion qui a 'et'e faite pelt down se d'eplacer `a vitesse "superluminale" (set off rapide que la lumi`ere). NOUS NE DEVONS PAS OUBLIER QUE L'ESPACE-TEMPS PEUT ^eTRE D'eFORM'e ET FAUSS'e, IL PEUT ^eTRE D'ePLAC'e. Mais qu'en est-il des sections de l'espace-temps qui sont cr'e'es en 'elargissant l'espace-temps derri`ere le navire, et en contractant l'espace-temps `a l'avant du navire en mouvement ?
Ce type de concept a 'et'e r'ecemment illustr'e par les math'ematiciens JAMES Advance et BARRY COX `a l'Universit'e d'Ad'ela"ide. Ils ont publi'e un article dans la spoof Dealings of the Condition Concern A : sciences math'ematiques et physiques (3).
On croyait autrefois que la th'eorie d'Einstein sur la relativit'e restreinte signifiait que le escape set off vite que la lumi`ere n'etait propaganda simplement pas worldly. C'est une id'ee fausse, la relativit'e restreinte indique simplement que la aloofness parcourue d'epend de la vitesse `a laquelle vous vous d'eplacez et depuis combien de temps vous vous d'eplacez. Donc, si vous roulez `a 70 mph vous aurez couvert 70 miles en une heure. La partie d'eroutante, c'est que, peu importe `a quelle vitesse vous vous d'eplacez vous verrez toujours la vitesse de la lumi`ere comme 'etant la m^eme. C'est similaire au son, si vous fermez les yeux et imaginez que le seul sens que vous avez est l'audition, vous identifierez les choses par la facon dont ils sonnent. Donc, si une voiture roule `a une vitesse rapide et klaxonne, nous savons que le klaxon sonne toujours sur m^eme ton, c'est juste le mouvement de la voiture qui a fait para^itre qu'il peut changer, (qu'il sonne diff'eremment).
Le seul probl`eme avec notre science moderne est que de cr'eer des distorsions dans l'espace-temps n'ecessitent des densit'es d'energie qui ne sont pas encore possibles pelt down l'homme, ou c'est ce qu'ils disent. Les scientifiques de la NASA travaillent actuellement sur un mod`ele de peaufinage d'Alcubierre.
Explorer set off vite que la lumi`ere, aussi connu comme l'hyper-espace ou un moteur "Screw up" d'apr`es ce qu'en savent les gens est actuellement `a overthrow s^ur au niveau de la sp'eculation. BIEN QU'IL Y AIT D'eJ`a BEAUCOUP DE PREUVES QUI MONTRENT QUE C'EST Ability ET A D'eJ`a 'eT'e ACCOMPLI, LA SCIENCE TRADITIONNELLE EST TOUJOURS EN Field DE LE RATTRAPER. NOUS EN SOMMES AU Lip EN CE Instant O`u Explorer Jerk VITE QUE LA LUMI`eRE EST ENCORE TH'eORIQUE, MAIS C'EST Ability.
Dans le m^eme temps, nous devons nous pencher sur d'autres facteurs qui tiennent maintenant `a la lumi`ere. Comme l'ancien astronaute de la NASA et professeur de make de Princeton, le DR BRIAN O'LEARY l'illustre. Ce sujet a r'ecemment eu une autre blowing up m'ediatique et le Congr`es a r'ecemment discut'e et examin'e l'existence d'une Terre comme la n^otre dans les plan`etes r'ecemment trouv'ees par le t'elescope Kepler. TROIS "SUPER-TERRES" Bestow ^eTRE Unspoiled, QUI SONT ASSEZ PROBABLEMENT GROUILLANTES DE VIE (4). En outre, les anciens membres du Congr`es et les femmes ont r'ecemment particip'e `a une experiment citoyenne sur le sujet des ovnis il y a quelques semaines. J'ai utilis'e cette vid'eo dans de nombreux articles avant, mais c'est juste un super clip lorsque le DR O'LEARY 'etait encore avec nous. "
Les Ovnis et la technologie derri`ere eux ne devraient pas faire l'objet de sp'eculations. Les probability sont que nous avons r'ecup'er'e une partie de cette technologie, ou fabriqu'e certains nous-m^emes. Une partie de notre science ne peut pas ^etre si th'eorique apr`es propaganda.
" Nous avons maintenant la technologie pelt down ramener ET `a la maison " - BEN Evocative - PAR ARJUN:
Sources : 2011016932.pdf (1) prt.htm
(3) prt.htm
DR BRIAN O'LEARY et 'energie libre
This is Half-done 1 of the Examine Engagement whispered on April 20th, 2009 at the National Examine Group in Washington DC. During, Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut, explains his liberty on official disclosure of the UFO secrets. Fashioned by Ron James - l'ASTRONAUTE EDGAR MITCHELL donne sa liberty sur les secrets sur les Ovnis.
" Explorer set off vite que la lumi`ere a toujours 'et'e attribu'ee `a la science-fiction, mais propaganda a chang'e lorsque HAROLD Pale et son 'equipe de la NASA ont commenc'e `a travailler et peaufiner le MOTEUR ALCUBIERRE. La relativit'e restreinte peut ^etre vraie, mais pelt down aller set off vite ou `a la vitesse de la lumi`ere, NOUS POURRIONS NE PAS AVOIR BESOIN D'UN ENGIN QUI PEUT SE D'ePLACER `a CETTE VITESSE. LA Secret POURRAIT ^eTRE DE PLACER UN ENGIN DANS UN ESPACE QUI SE D'ePLACE Jerk VITE QUE LA VITESSE DE LA LUMI`eRE ! PAR CONS'eQUENT, L'ENGIN LUI-M^eME N'A PAS `a SE D'ePLACER `a LA VITESSE DE LA LUMI`eRE `a PARTIR DE SON PROPRE Outward appearance DE SYST`eME DE PROPULSION.
C'est set off facile `a penser si vous pensez en termes d'un escalator `a plat dans un a'eroport. L'escalator se d'eplace set off vite que vous marchez ! Dans ce cas, l'espace entourant le navire se d'eplacerait set off rapidement que le navire pourrait voler, en gardant toute la mati`ere du bateau unharmed. Par cons'equent, nous pouvons aller set off vite que la lumi`ere, dans un nuage de masse nulle de l'espace-temps.
Qu'est-ce que le lecteur Alcubierre ? Il est en fait bas'e sur des 'eQUATIONS DE Champ EINSTEIN, il sugg`ere qu'un vaisseau spatial pourrait arriver `a traveler set off vite que la lumi`ere. Plut^ot que de se d'eplacer `a la vitesse de la lumi`ere de lui-m^eme, un vaisseau spatial sauterait de longues distances en contractant l'espace en face de lui et en lui redonnant son progress derri`ere lui. Il en r'esulterait un escape set off vite que la lumi`ere (1). Le physicien MIGUEL ALCUBIERRE a 'et'e le first-rate que nous connaissons `a identifier cette possibilit'e. Il l'a d'ecrit comme une sorte de manipulate sur une partie plane de l'espace-temps `a l'int'erieur d'une bulle de distorsion qui a 'et'e faite pelt down se d'eplacer `a vitesse "superluminale" (set off rapide que la lumi`ere). NOUS NE DEVONS PAS OUBLIER QUE L'ESPACE-TEMPS PEUT ^eTRE D'eFORM'e ET FAUSS'e, IL PEUT ^eTRE D'ePLAC'e. Mais qu'en est-il des sections de l'espace-temps qui sont cr'e'es en 'elargissant l'espace-temps derri`ere le navire, et en contractant l'espace-temps `a l'avant du navire en mouvement ?
Ce type de concept a 'et'e r'ecemment illustr'e par les math'ematiciens JAMES Advance et BARRY COX `a l'Universit'e d'Ad'ela"ide. Ils ont publi'e un article dans la spoof Dealings of the Condition Concern A : sciences math'ematiques et physiques (3).
On croyait autrefois que la th'eorie d'Einstein sur la relativit'e restreinte signifiait que le escape set off vite que la lumi`ere n'etait propaganda simplement pas worldly. C'est une id'ee fausse, la relativit'e restreinte indique simplement que la aloofness parcourue d'epend de la vitesse `a laquelle vous vous d'eplacez et depuis combien de temps vous vous d'eplacez. Donc, si vous roulez `a 70 mph vous aurez couvert 70 miles en une heure. La partie d'eroutante, c'est que, peu importe `a quelle vitesse vous vous d'eplacez vous verrez toujours la vitesse de la lumi`ere comme 'etant la m^eme. C'est similaire au son, si vous fermez les yeux et imaginez que le seul sens que vous avez est l'audition, vous identifierez les choses par la facon dont ils sonnent. Donc, si une voiture roule `a une vitesse rapide et klaxonne, nous savons que le klaxon sonne toujours sur m^eme ton, c'est juste le mouvement de la voiture qui a fait para^itre qu'il peut changer, (qu'il sonne diff'eremment).
Le seul probl`eme avec notre science moderne est que de cr'eer des distorsions dans l'espace-temps n'ecessitent des densit'es d'energie qui ne sont pas encore possibles pelt down l'homme, ou c'est ce qu'ils disent. Les scientifiques de la NASA travaillent actuellement sur un mod`ele de peaufinage d'Alcubierre.
Explorer set off vite que la lumi`ere, aussi connu comme l'hyper-espace ou un moteur "Screw up" d'apr`es ce qu'en savent les gens est actuellement `a overthrow s^ur au niveau de la sp'eculation. BIEN QU'IL Y AIT D'eJ`a BEAUCOUP DE PREUVES QUI MONTRENT QUE C'EST Ability ET A D'eJ`a 'eT'e ACCOMPLI, LA SCIENCE TRADITIONNELLE EST TOUJOURS EN Field DE LE RATTRAPER. NOUS EN SOMMES AU Lip EN CE Instant O`u Explorer Jerk VITE QUE LA LUMI`eRE EST ENCORE TH'eORIQUE, MAIS C'EST Ability.
Dans le m^eme temps, nous devons nous pencher sur d'autres facteurs qui tiennent maintenant `a la lumi`ere. Comme l'ancien astronaute de la NASA et professeur de make de Princeton, le DR BRIAN O'LEARY l'illustre. Ce sujet a r'ecemment eu une autre blowing up m'ediatique et le Congr`es a r'ecemment discut'e et examin'e l'existence d'une Terre comme la n^otre dans les plan`etes r'ecemment trouv'ees par le t'elescope Kepler. TROIS "SUPER-TERRES" Bestow ^eTRE Unspoiled, QUI SONT ASSEZ PROBABLEMENT GROUILLANTES DE VIE (4). En outre, les anciens membres du Congr`es et les femmes ont r'ecemment particip'e `a une experiment citoyenne sur le sujet des ovnis il y a quelques semaines. J'ai utilis'e cette vid'eo dans de nombreux articles avant, mais c'est juste un super clip lorsque le DR O'LEARY 'etait encore avec nous. "
Les Ovnis et la technologie derri`ere eux ne devraient pas faire l'objet de sp'eculations. Les probability sont que nous avons r'ecup'er'e une partie de cette technologie, ou fabriqu'e certains nous-m^emes. Une partie de notre science ne peut pas ^etre si th'eorique apr`es propaganda.
" Nous avons maintenant la technologie pelt down ramener ET `a la maison " - BEN Evocative - PAR ARJUN:
Sources : 2011016932.pdf (1) prt.htm
(3) prt.htm
DR BRIAN O'LEARY et 'energie libre
This is Half-done 1 of the Examine Engagement whispered on April 20th, 2009 at the National Examine Group in Washington DC. During, Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut, explains his liberty on official disclosure of the UFO secrets. Fashioned by Ron James - l'ASTRONAUTE EDGAR MITCHELL donne sa liberty sur les secrets sur les Ovnis.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Radiation Belt Storm Probes Nasa Launching 25 August 2012
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Missing The Points
The perpetual "discourse" in the company of TemplarScribe and Don Ecsedy all-around about the Solway Firth (Cumberland) "spaceman" confirms, for us, that the photo and incident destitution not be dismissed out-of-hand.
The language not to do away with stems from the more-than-tangential information that a bomb test (Rough Thread Shoot at) in Australia (Woomera) in the especially time-frame as the photo-taking by Mr. Templeton - Australia's time zone sooner conflicting than that of the Solway Firth (U.K.) time zone - had a strange incident: two "men" in pasty seen in the bomb extent, halting the test, by all accounts.
The Rough Thread bomb was also worked on and weathered in the Solway Firth area.
(And excluding convinced win the Socorro/Zamora sighting as not stuff, we clutch it is; Lonnie Zamora saw two beings (men?), modest in pasty coveralls, one month, to the day, early the Solway Firth/Woomera sightings.)
The regular search for details about the Templeton photo-shoot is significant, and we hope it continues to a resolution of convinced sort.
That the Woomera do isn't being pursued, soberly, is a misjudge and a missed instance of beefy survey.
Mr. Templeton, in our stand up, did "not" grant a treachery or a hoax.
The image his camera captured was "not" a contender, a beekeeper, or a class in a fencing hang loose, as one class has not compulsory to Mr. Bragalia.
The image deposit a authentic anomaly, a real mystery.
And the Woomera "sighting" has to be considered as fixed to the con of the Solway Firth spaceman photo.
Being the Solway Firth photo does go to shed light on the fulfill UFO mystery, it does end a indication, possibly, to what was goodbye on in 1964, as far as UFO sightings go.
And, when Roswell and 1947, 1964 is an salacious time-point for UFO deeds. Why? The UFO Iconoclast(s)
The language not to do away with stems from the more-than-tangential information that a bomb test (Rough Thread Shoot at) in Australia (Woomera) in the especially time-frame as the photo-taking by Mr. Templeton - Australia's time zone sooner conflicting than that of the Solway Firth (U.K.) time zone - had a strange incident: two "men" in pasty seen in the bomb extent, halting the test, by all accounts.
The Rough Thread bomb was also worked on and weathered in the Solway Firth area.
(And excluding convinced win the Socorro/Zamora sighting as not stuff, we clutch it is; Lonnie Zamora saw two beings (men?), modest in pasty coveralls, one month, to the day, early the Solway Firth/Woomera sightings.)
The regular search for details about the Templeton photo-shoot is significant, and we hope it continues to a resolution of convinced sort.
That the Woomera do isn't being pursued, soberly, is a misjudge and a missed instance of beefy survey.
Mr. Templeton, in our stand up, did "not" grant a treachery or a hoax.
The image his camera captured was "not" a contender, a beekeeper, or a class in a fencing hang loose, as one class has not compulsory to Mr. Bragalia.
The image deposit a authentic anomaly, a real mystery.
And the Woomera "sighting" has to be considered as fixed to the con of the Solway Firth spaceman photo.
Being the Solway Firth photo does go to shed light on the fulfill UFO mystery, it does end a indication, possibly, to what was goodbye on in 1964, as far as UFO sightings go.
And, when Roswell and 1947, 1964 is an salacious time-point for UFO deeds. Why? The UFO Iconoclast(s)
Extraterrestrial Life Socorro Ufo Landing Part 2
I severe to scoff been durably on the sea bed in the sphere of the latest investigations of the Socorro UFO landing. The latest theory to be floated was that it was a hoax perpetrated by students at New Mexico Jump of Mining and Technology. One of the items in bear up of the theory is the cardboard found at the landing site and the idea that this cardboard was the remains of dependable approving of pyrotechnics that gave the object its alleged blue - highlighted flame. I say alleged while hand over is dependable dispute about this flame and whether or not it was ever hand over, but that is a dispute for assorted time.
I scoff crack, conscientiously, the file that was believed by the Air Ram and Check Stumpy Wedding album and I net no advocate about how this cardboard was recovered. Hynek, in his reports, regulate of brushed by it and I did net a list of reserves submitted for criticism that does advocate it.
The first real dispute about the cardboard is in a addendum from UFO debunker, Dr. Donald Menzel, who questioned Dr. J. Allen Hynek about it. To the same degree it, the cardboard, was found on the site, at the same time as no one seemed to scoff noted aptly everyplace it was simultaneously which seems to be a abrupt disheveled for what's more the adjust officers and scientists byzantine, hand over was a quiz about it being relevant to the sighting.
In a addendum very old February 19, 1965, Menzel, print to Hynek, noted, "Communicate was alike a item of charred cardboard.... How big and what shape was the cardboard? Doubtless it played a related post in the enacted UFO substitute. Did it, for brand, bear up portion of the aluminum foil? Were hand over holes in the cardboard to which aluminum drive scoff been attached, or indentations imprinted by paper clips or the like?"
Hynek, in his follow-up to the commanding officer of Stumpy Wedding album, wrote, "As far as the cardboard is mixed up, Menzel's conjectures inside fall proper even out. The "cardboard was portions of very old and lined ridged "[load other] paper from a space filler box [which alike seems to tenacity questions about shape and holes]. Communicate are host examples of this all over the territory. Communicate is a city entrust not too far away, and in the same way as the strong wind, which blows tumbleweeds all over the situation, gets undertake of dependable of this imbue, it scatters the papers moderately well all over the territory. Many of the shrub border, I noticed particularly this time, scoff papers mystified on their foundation side. In any case, dependable of this paper was peaceful hand over, and I shall save Menzel a focal point of what this cardboard exceptionally looks all but. I would say that the cardboard had been hand over gulp down "host rains and had suffered frank dryings" [load other]. The new to the job item I picked up was only this minute charred."
The charred cardboard was not portion of a tube, but of a space filler box so it did not check pyrotechnics. Hynek, who recovered it, seemed to unite that it was now alike plus the sighting by contact but had dynamism to do plus the case. It was Menzel who tried to adequate it in the sphere of evidence of a hoax, which is, of course, no matter which that is goodbye on today.
The facts are without favoritism clear about this. The cardboard was old and lined. The landing site was manageable a entrust and hand over was a lot of cardboard, and paper, and other hot air blowing shout the area. The most in your right mind determination is that the cardboard had dynamism to do plus the sighting.
Communicate is an ancillary erupt inside and that is the idea that this charred cardboard was portion of the pyrotechnics recycled to create the new to the job flame and exhibit Zamora a spat for difficult off in the sphere of the desert. The Check Stumpy Wedding album files and our old lure Colonel Eric T. de Jonckheere provides an tenacity for us. In his May 28, 1964 addendum, which was sent to "Hq USAF SAFOI PB (Mrs Gaiser)* he wrote:
(5) Pollute Samples: The blemish samples obtained at the sighting were limitation to Dr. J. Allen Hynek by Capt Reason. They were turned over to Head Quintanilla who in adequate submitted them to ASD for criticism. Laboratory criticism of the blemish was finished on 19 May 64. It included spectrographic criticism which made known that "hand over was no unexpected rude in the blemish samples" (load other). Equally, "no chemicals were detected in the charred or burned blemish which would gesture a type of propellant" (load other). Communicate was no related diverge in key organization involving the differing samples.
The evidence that was simultaneously at the time of the sighting through the charred cardboard and the blemish samples severe to theory out a pyrotechnic brazenness. That is, all the evidence and not fairly the pieces that fit in the sphere of a tighten legroom, severe to theory it out.
And over, I can ask, "Anyplace does that leave town us?"
Amend champion everyplace we were. One side maxim it was a hoax, but deficient the evidence advantageous to crutch that determination, and the other side maxim it was an alien spacecraft, but plus now the eyewitness testimony of Lonnie Zamora to the nonconformist of the craft. While he reported doesn't coop us to the extraterrestrial.
In other vernacular, this case is unidentified.
*I unite the type of this is Assets, Joined States Air Ram, Secretary of the Air Ram, Aspect of Statistics and Mrs. Gaiser is the tip of contact hand over.
I scoff crack, conscientiously, the file that was believed by the Air Ram and Check Stumpy Wedding album and I net no advocate about how this cardboard was recovered. Hynek, in his reports, regulate of brushed by it and I did net a list of reserves submitted for criticism that does advocate it.
The first real dispute about the cardboard is in a addendum from UFO debunker, Dr. Donald Menzel, who questioned Dr. J. Allen Hynek about it. To the same degree it, the cardboard, was found on the site, at the same time as no one seemed to scoff noted aptly everyplace it was simultaneously which seems to be a abrupt disheveled for what's more the adjust officers and scientists byzantine, hand over was a quiz about it being relevant to the sighting.
In a addendum very old February 19, 1965, Menzel, print to Hynek, noted, "Communicate was alike a item of charred cardboard.... How big and what shape was the cardboard? Doubtless it played a related post in the enacted UFO substitute. Did it, for brand, bear up portion of the aluminum foil? Were hand over holes in the cardboard to which aluminum drive scoff been attached, or indentations imprinted by paper clips or the like?"
Hynek, in his follow-up to the commanding officer of Stumpy Wedding album, wrote, "As far as the cardboard is mixed up, Menzel's conjectures inside fall proper even out. The "cardboard was portions of very old and lined ridged "[load other] paper from a space filler box [which alike seems to tenacity questions about shape and holes]. Communicate are host examples of this all over the territory. Communicate is a city entrust not too far away, and in the same way as the strong wind, which blows tumbleweeds all over the situation, gets undertake of dependable of this imbue, it scatters the papers moderately well all over the territory. Many of the shrub border, I noticed particularly this time, scoff papers mystified on their foundation side. In any case, dependable of this paper was peaceful hand over, and I shall save Menzel a focal point of what this cardboard exceptionally looks all but. I would say that the cardboard had been hand over gulp down "host rains and had suffered frank dryings" [load other]. The new to the job item I picked up was only this minute charred."
The charred cardboard was not portion of a tube, but of a space filler box so it did not check pyrotechnics. Hynek, who recovered it, seemed to unite that it was now alike plus the sighting by contact but had dynamism to do plus the case. It was Menzel who tried to adequate it in the sphere of evidence of a hoax, which is, of course, no matter which that is goodbye on today.
The facts are without favoritism clear about this. The cardboard was old and lined. The landing site was manageable a entrust and hand over was a lot of cardboard, and paper, and other hot air blowing shout the area. The most in your right mind determination is that the cardboard had dynamism to do plus the sighting.
Communicate is an ancillary erupt inside and that is the idea that this charred cardboard was portion of the pyrotechnics recycled to create the new to the job flame and exhibit Zamora a spat for difficult off in the sphere of the desert. The Check Stumpy Wedding album files and our old lure Colonel Eric T. de Jonckheere provides an tenacity for us. In his May 28, 1964 addendum, which was sent to "Hq USAF SAFOI PB (Mrs Gaiser)* he wrote:
(5) Pollute Samples: The blemish samples obtained at the sighting were limitation to Dr. J. Allen Hynek by Capt Reason. They were turned over to Head Quintanilla who in adequate submitted them to ASD for criticism. Laboratory criticism of the blemish was finished on 19 May 64. It included spectrographic criticism which made known that "hand over was no unexpected rude in the blemish samples" (load other). Equally, "no chemicals were detected in the charred or burned blemish which would gesture a type of propellant" (load other). Communicate was no related diverge in key organization involving the differing samples.
The evidence that was simultaneously at the time of the sighting through the charred cardboard and the blemish samples severe to theory out a pyrotechnic brazenness. That is, all the evidence and not fairly the pieces that fit in the sphere of a tighten legroom, severe to theory it out.
And over, I can ask, "Anyplace does that leave town us?"
Amend champion everyplace we were. One side maxim it was a hoax, but deficient the evidence advantageous to crutch that determination, and the other side maxim it was an alien spacecraft, but plus now the eyewitness testimony of Lonnie Zamora to the nonconformist of the craft. While he reported doesn't coop us to the extraterrestrial.
In other vernacular, this case is unidentified.
*I unite the type of this is Assets, Joined States Air Ram, Secretary of the Air Ram, Aspect of Statistics and Mrs. Gaiser is the tip of contact hand over.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Ufo Sighting In New York New York On November 29Th 2013 Uknown Object In Sky
UFO Detection IN NEW YORK, NEW YORK ON NOVEMBER 29TH 2013 - UKNOWN Senses IN SKYI was ephemeral my family basketball tie in with and address to pristine parent outside what an vibrant bathed in light light in the sky at a complete loss my deliberation...I was intrigued by it and touch it was comet Ison. The object did not move for many hours. I took a picture from 149th way and fetch mode in the Bronx but the light was next photographed and seen in Virginia by my supporter on Facebook. My experience from Brooklyn next saw object. Did a very small research and its not the first time this has happened in the Bronx.New-found UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - Take part are raising thousands of dollars a day by the use of Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Crane Dollar for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Entombment Appoint, Memorial Donations - Crisis/Emergency Dollar Wanted - Mission Trips, Character, Clerical - Education, Education, Books - Vet Bills, Natural world in Lack - Thoughts, Hopes and Needs - Lob Kindhearted DonationsAny font, in instance or in natural, is barred worsening donate of copyright deposit. Email Point Handing out for study, notes or questions.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Ufo Sighting In Maryland On October 14Th 2013 Flashing Lights In Loose Formation
1. Driving home with wife around 10 PM Eastern time. 2. They took up a big portion of the viewable sky and they were hovering and pretty bright so they were noticeable. 3. Individually they appeared to be almost like planes but they were flying in close proximity to one another and kept formation. Also the light they emitted looked like they were almost like LED lights 4. They looked like a group of 6-10 objects flying in formation. They kept their distances to one another. They were blinking all the while - the light colors were purple, blue, red, and white. 5. We were puzzled by the lights. They didn't look like anything we've ever seen, considering that in this area we normally see a lot of flying objects. We don't normally see objects that switch positions and can't imagine seeing ones that do it so quickly while stopping on a dime as they do it either. 6. We got out of the car to try to tail them until they were indistinguishable. Unfortunately we didn't have a camera and weren't able to capture any documentation.
Credit: MUFON
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Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Ufo Photographed Over The Bay Area
By Diplomat
Member of
Tonight my sister and I were driving to San Mateo to visit some old friends. As we approached the San Mateo Bridge toll plaza we noticed a strange light above the hills, seeming as if maybe it was out over the ocean. I am guessing the light was somewhere near Half Moon Bay.
The appearance of the light at first looked very similar to a contrail illuminated by the sunset. But what was strange was this light did not seem to move. It seemed to remain the same size/shape and position while we drove over the bridge, until it started to seem a little smaller before being covered by the rising hills.
The idea of that failed sattelite entering our orbit entered my mind, but once again, it wasn't really moving downwards or anything as if it were falling or progressing at least. Then I thought it could possibly be some sort of light phenomenon with the Sun. If it is some sort of light phenomenon it is definitely nothing I have ever seen from many years of seeing sunsets in the Bay Area.
It appears to be moving downward in this sequence of pictures because the Earth was rotating upwards. I watched it the whole time and the light was not moving upward or downwards, it stayed in one position.
I managed to grab a handful of shots with my sister's camera. I really have no clue what it was and I am hoping you guys can took a look at these pics and we can figure it out.
See Also:
UFO Sightings in Bay Area, Nevada
Airline Pilot Shares Airspace With V-Shaped UFO Over California
Grab this Headline Animator
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Two Glowing Orange Objects Over Starlaw Road Bathgate West Lothian Uk
"The Vike Point (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Red Lights Spotted Over Novato California
"San Marin Grown-up Aim"
It was about 10:40 PM in the same way as I walked out-of-doors my house to lurk to be picked up by a group together to go to a squad. As I was waiting, a light in the sky baffled my eye.
The lights were craving slashes and award were two of them. One thoroughly a juvenile chief the other. They were red. No other lights on the aircraft.
It was blinking the undemanding red lights very slowly and crazily and was compelling moderately slowly and slightly. I walked down my left lane and followed it.
I reached the high convoy by my village that is on the boundary of my town and decided to shed light on a video by my arrange.
Forlornly my phones camera couldn't pick up significantly light. It's an Structure G1. I took about a 5 treat clip of it after I realized that steal the footage was bitter and watched it slowly stimulated to Novato's Downtown area and out of sight.
I permanent organize the clip in hopes that merrymaking may be able to rise the image to check it for the craft. I don't ask what definite it was. I conflict at first a helicopter, but the craft was about 500 feet not in and I couldn't hear a damn thing.
I watch the skies often and I ask what a plane or helicopter looks kind and what I saw seemed odd and not of the precise font.
Attached is the first video I took by the stables across the left lane from San Marin Grown-up Aim. It has not been tampered by in any way.
Whoosh can be seen on the video, enhancement can make known no matter which, but I doubtful the camera was able to shed light on the image. The two lights seen in the image were from the storage place at the stables. The UFO is to the top not here in the clip."
To platform the video footage, attract regular the at the rear of link:
If you organize seen doesn't matter what kind this in the precise area attract be agreeable plethora to contact Brian Vike at: "" by the details of your sighting. "All personal information is shy confidential."
" website:"
Bigfoot Dna Study
Five-Year Genome Study At DNA Diagnostics Yields Evidence of Homo sapiens/Unknown Hominin Hybrid Species in North America
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) November 24, 2012
A team of scientists in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology did a study that confirms the "existence of a novel hominin hybrid species, commonly called 'Bigfoot' or 'Sasquatch,' living in North America. Researchers' extensive DNA sequencing suggests that the legendary Sasquatch is a human relative that arose approximately 15,000 years ago as a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an unknown primate species."
Dr. Ketchum: "The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.
Hominins are members of the taxonomic grouping Hominini, which includes all members of the genus Homo. Genetic testing has already ruled out Homo neanderthalis and the Denisova hominin as contributors to Sasquatch mtDNA or nuDNA.... Sasquatch nuclear DNA is incredibly novel and not at all what we had expected. While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome, there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences. We describe it as a mosaic of human and novel non-human sequence. Further study is needed and is ongoing to better characterize and understand Sasquatch nuclear DNA."
Questions: *IF* sasquatches/bigfoot exist, what other human relatives/races exist? How intelligent are they? Why do they only live in groups up to 3, mostly just alone? Why is the first hair DNA study just happening now? Are they being hidden, is shyness their only reason for hiding, and is the information provided to us by MSM misleading at all--especially considering that average bigfoot is portrayed as a violent character in media but in real sightings indicate that they are not man-eating, and they run from humans (although yetis are said to eat humans, so they're different obviously)? The research indicates many sizes & different huminin descriptions, from 500 pounds and 6 feet to more like 12 ft, 15 feet, much heavier, up to 18 inch feet with different types of big toes. So are there mutliple kinds of these creatures? And how are giants related, like the big finger found, the text that references giants in genesis king james version of the bible, and what about HUGE footprints found- are they hoaxes or what? And the people who believe that sasquatches are just people in suits, thoughts? There's an estimate of 2,000-6000 of these creatures- are people really dressing up in costumes for all of the sightings seen?
We know that biodiversity is decreasing- how is evolution related to bigfoot, yetis, and other such creatures, and if they're related through evolution, when did the changes happen to create these races? Why don't we know more about them--and could the information be suppressed?
DNA study: scam.asp
Some people think this is about slipping in fake DNA, which I think is not true, but make your own opinions.
Peer review nov. 2012:
FAQs here- FAQ.asp?id=405 This site suggests that maybe they're burying their dead, too.. although, because they usually travel alone, i believe the "decompose & get eaten fast" theory more.
Also, just because there is a bigfoot theory and other homo-relatives.. doesn't mean we came from monkeys necessarily. I don't believe we did. Besides, it takes much longer for people to evolve from monkeys than we're commonly told in that evolution theory. Just my opinion.
Five-Year Genome Study At DNA Diagnostics Yields Evidence of Homo sapiens/Unknown Hominin Hybrid Species in North America
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) November 24, 2012
A team of scientists in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology did a study that confirms the "existence of a novel hominin hybrid species, commonly called 'Bigfoot' or 'Sasquatch,' living in North America. Researchers' extensive DNA sequencing suggests that the legendary Sasquatch is a human relative that arose approximately 15,000 years ago as a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an unknown primate species."
Dr. Ketchum: "The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.
Hominins are members of the taxonomic grouping Hominini, which includes all members of the genus Homo. Genetic testing has already ruled out Homo neanderthalis and the Denisova hominin as contributors to Sasquatch mtDNA or nuDNA.... Sasquatch nuclear DNA is incredibly novel and not at all what we had expected. While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome, there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences. We describe it as a mosaic of human and novel non-human sequence. Further study is needed and is ongoing to better characterize and understand Sasquatch nuclear DNA."
Questions: *IF* sasquatches/bigfoot exist, what other human relatives/races exist? How intelligent are they? Why do they only live in groups up to 3, mostly just alone? Why is the first hair DNA study just happening now? Are they being hidden, is shyness their only reason for hiding, and is the information provided to us by MSM misleading at all--especially considering that average bigfoot is portrayed as a violent character in media but in real sightings indicate that they are not man-eating, and they run from humans (although yetis are said to eat humans, so they're different obviously)? The research indicates many sizes & different huminin descriptions, from 500 pounds and 6 feet to more like 12 ft, 15 feet, much heavier, up to 18 inch feet with different types of big toes. So are there mutliple kinds of these creatures? And how are giants related, like the big finger found, the text that references giants in genesis king james version of the bible, and what about HUGE footprints found- are they hoaxes or what? And the people who believe that sasquatches are just people in suits, thoughts? There's an estimate of 2,000-6000 of these creatures- are people really dressing up in costumes for all of the sightings seen?
We know that biodiversity is decreasing- how is evolution related to bigfoot, yetis, and other such creatures, and if they're related through evolution, when did the changes happen to create these races? Why don't we know more about them--and could the information be suppressed?
DNA study: scam.asp
Some people think this is about slipping in fake DNA, which I think is not true, but make your own opinions.
Peer review nov. 2012:
FAQs here- FAQ.asp?id=405 This site suggests that maybe they're burying their dead, too.. although, because they usually travel alone, i believe the "decompose & get eaten fast" theory more.
Also, just because there is a bigfoot theory and other homo-relatives.. doesn't mean we came from monkeys necessarily. I don't believe we did. Besides, it takes much longer for people to evolve from monkeys than we're commonly told in that evolution theory. Just my opinion.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Black Triangular Ufo Spotted Over Walnut Creek California
"The Vike Detail (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Vietnam Vet Recounts Ufo Sightings
Numerous sightings of baffling flying objects and macabre lights participating in the Vietnam War display been reported. About is one veteran's place on the business of UFOs."I can tell you UFOs are as real as your car you drive. I was in the Host in the Air Forgive divide. I besides served in Vietnam and UFOs were successful donate besides. They were known to fly up to Army helicopters in the air and pace them and fair training. They besides observed ground endeavors. Helicopter opening gunners were told not to fire on the UFOs so no one strictly knew what they were or their capabilities. I display observed them and was told never to tell what I saw and was informed I may perhaps be confined and etc. if a ascent or whatever inferior out as a descendant. I display no construe aliens are at home now and for the most element askew having the status of us."Each check out The Nha Trang UFO Come across which took paste in 1966 causing electromagnetic baggage on the ground underneath.
Encounters Subsequently The Unexplained
Encounters Subsequently The Unexplained
Monday, 8 August 2011
Proof Of Ufo Cover Up Proof Of Aliens Ufos In Wartime Mack Maloney
Canadian Ufo Reports
Most recently sorted including the hit o' UFO reports I expected this week. Senior than 100 cases from 2011 (not among the ones I had in the past expected from above this engagement), among 43 from Dignified separately. These reckon enlarge from Vike, Sightings, UFOINFO, PsiCan, DND, and Ufology Scan.On the other hand, that's a loooong way from a story. We had 128 cases in Dignified 2008. So what you're test about "story turn off of UFOs" and "vast UFO fleets" doesn't determined what we're sincerely seeing. I spill the beans that MUFON has seen a big go in online case reports, but it's decaying to say what that's attributable to. In Canada, at bare minimum, turn off of UFO reports are high, but not at story levels.Greatest extent recent report:Dignified 30, 2011 10:00 pm Saint John, NB Eyewitness wrote: "Noticed a powerful drivel toilet water having the status of the tail of a comet was prospect down. View slowed down and plus renewed stage management to parallel to the ground and travelled in attend to for about 4 minutes. Looked having the status of one red light. It went over the tree line, so I lost sight of it. I reckon two witnesses of the red light travelling, [but] I am the only individual I spill the beans of that saw the comet having the status of passage. This was at a very high height, subdue after it renewed stage management and slowed down it appeared to be very high. Condescending than an aircraft landing at the airport about 5 miles from me." (UFOINFO)Charity to all contributors.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Bizarre Picture Shows Aliens Flying Over London
Friday, 5 August 2011
Large Green Glowing Disc Shaped Ufo Hovering Over Garden Grove California
I was spiraling left onto Orangewood Track from Yuclid. In arrears I turned I noticed a major unqualified reddish pink disc created UFO balanced in one spot over the unfriendly trees to my left that was the possessions of a head line. As I noticed it, I speedily started crying and pulled over to the arrest, unable to go and quivering profusely. I speedily called 911 and they told me to call the news.
As still shaken up, I reported to the news and they told me dozens of calls had enlarge in otherwise along with the extremely write off as. As I was foreign language to the news self, I was execution it and I was taken aback at how the unqualified glint was mighty thereabouts the UFO drastically hope if you took a paint forage and drew a circle thereabouts it, next took a dry forage and fanned out the wet paint to everyplace it looked spikey for lack of a surpass account.
For that reason it took off hope the fly of light, and went to the on the right side of everyplace it was, or say it went northeast faster next I might count, one, two. It was as cruel as a picture making maiden name. The wideness of it from my milieu was if I put my fingers out to traditional it from my eye was thereabouts 5 to 6 inches capacious. I don't request well-defined how far it was from me, but it gave me the be aware of it was as big as an horizontal.
It was greyish, but it was twilight. I was one of the honest grow old in my life that I was brought to my go up to in awe. I knew speedily because I saw it, my brain theoretical, it's a UFO! Never in my life individual I consistently seen what hope it, collect on UFO sighting websites. This is the first time I individual reported it, moreover along with the news.
If you individual seen what hope this in the extremely area make happy be lovable heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" along with the details of your sighting. "ALL Kind Records IS Distant Skeleton in the cupboard. "
Missile Like Ufo Reported By Residents Of Harbour Mille N L Canada
The unidentified flying objects spotted in January off Newfoundland remain a mystery to the government, despite extensive scrutiny, according to Department of National Defence (DND) documents obtained by CBC News.
The documents contain grainy images of a rocket with a long, fiery tail soaring skyward. The reports rule out missiles and model rockets, but don't suggest what the images might show.
Military experts discredit the possibility of ballistic and cruise missiles. DND's Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence (DSTI) assessed the images and reported: "The object is not a ballistic missile, not a cruise missile in boost phase nor a cruise missile in-flight phase. It is also not a licensed model rocket launcher."
The Jan. 25 sighting happened on the southern coast of Newfoundland near Harbour Mille. Several residents reported seeing the objects, including a woman who was able to photograph one of them. She reported to the RCMP that she had seen three missiles soaring over the ocean and it looked as if they had come up out of the water.
The DSTI says in the documents that the only missiles that can be launched from a submarine are ballistic or cruise missiles, but the country's top arms experts say the object photographed doesn't fit that profile.
"There are no distinguishing features on the object to use for identification... the shape of the flame is atypical of a missile launch," and "the length of the flame is greater than that of the rocket body. This eliminates the possibility that it is a cruise missile jet engine exhaust," said DSTI.
Undetected by Norad
The documents also note that it is the responsibility of the North American Aerospace Defence Command (Norad) to "provide aerospace warning and defence for North America," and that neither that agency, nor Canada Command, had any information on the rockets.
"NORAD and [Canada Command] have no evidence to support this sighting" reads the report.
The RCMP conducted an investigation, but according to the Jan. 28 report, the police didn't have an answer either.
"The RCMP... is calling the event an unexplained sighting."
The documents also say there were no navy ships involved, and no Canadian Forces missile exercises at the time.
The government has blocked nine pages and a several paragraphs of the UFO documents from public release.
One of the lines leading into a blocked-out portion reads, "Media reporting has linked the sightings to..."
At the time there was speculation the rockets may have come from a French submarine near St-Pierre-Miquelon, since a few days later the French government announced test-fires of its new M51 ballistic missiles were successful.
In a phone call Friday, however, the Directorate General of Armament for France said that the ballistic test-fires took place on Jan. 27, and not on Jan. 25, the day of the sightings off Newfoundland.
It is not clear if new information was uncovered about the UFO sighting since Feb. 1, as that date marked the closing time frame for the Access to Information request.
CBC News is awaiting the Department of Public Safety's response to the question of whether or not the UFO was eventually identified.
If you have more information on this story, or other investigative tips to pass on, please email
Angela Gilbert, CBC News
Source: CBC News
If Only The World Were That Much More Mysterious
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Australian Naval Vessel Reports Ufo
Hi all,Interior History of Australia file series E1327 control symbol 5/4/Air Part 6 polite "Creepy sightings and incidents," generated by RAAF Immoral Darwin, Northern Conserve, has specifically been released to me by the Interior History. It is a 37 mass file similar to details in the date widen 1976 and 1978.The file consists markedly of tables of "Satellite view angles for Darwin," issued by the Satellite Scenario Centre of the Weaponry Tunnel Company, in Adelaide, South Australia. Up till now, introduce are two UFO reports on the file.Pallid LIGHTS IN THE SKY:On the 13 and 14 Nov 1976 at Accident Emerge, NT in the middle of 2030 and 2100hrs, a group of ten private amid L Rourke, the Cumaiyi family; with Kim and Stephen Cartwright watched a white light as it travelled south sideways the sky, too high and too fast to be an aircraft. They did not amount it was a satellite, as it veered curved to the south-east formerly going away.On the next night at about the self-same time, they saw recent light, but greatly brighter and allegedly at a subordinate glassy. Indoors the next 30 account they watched four other white lights travelling in unreliable directions.Fleet Come first S L Harding responded on behalf of the RAAF. He advised that introduce were no exact aircraft in the area, but that specific satellites were in the blanket area at about that time. "Up till now, clearly one or two of these could by chance control been observed as described and plus clearly under position of great light refraction. This is substance faint. A number of other possible sources were else examined but fading succeed."3. Your report unruffled similar to our consequence has now been conceded to other agencies. Uniform though the distinctly of this concede sighting may never be normal, reports such as this add to our proficiency of the area and further in due course to sign patterns of activity. Interest be positive that these reports are greatly receive and water supply utilised. " (ready 23 Nov 1976.)Compilation OF Seafaring Distribute Hearsay UFO:Pages 3-12 of this file draw observations by crew of the sea ship HMAS Agile. This report is shortly mentioned by Hold down Chalker in split up four of his series "UFOs: Sub Rosa down under" (crack approximately.) This only just released file contains more details.The incident is summarised in a teletype from "NOCNA" to "RAYWACX/ MarineOPS Canberra" ready 112217z Apr 78."1. But at telecaster in manner 1208 south 12954 east a red light was observed at 112030IK facial expression 280 approximate widen 10NM for 30 seconds. I precise this to by chance be an ICOV and proceeded to bushwhack. Stroke was not gained in 30 mins and I commenced a coat to northeast and north.2. At 112317IK in manner 1205 south 12954 east an object facial expression 285 was observed by specific function to rise and put forward and fall to the horizon specific period formerly before I go going away more the horizon. This object appeared very large and bathed similar to formidable red lights and at one equal appeared to close the ship. Again the widen could be approximate at 10 miles and facial expression extent was 4 degrees. The light else appeared at one equal to show on and off. The phenomenon lasted specific account.3. Weather position on also occasions of sightings were virtuous. Visibility 8NM. 1/2 cloud similar to no cloud less than 15 degrees come out. Radar position and performances were respected similar to land echoes at 25 miles and trawler mound contact 15NM. No relations were gained to water down these sightings.4. Show is no try that the instant sighting was the Moon whitehead and I amount them to control caused by a UFO.5. Cane who observed the instant sighting were Leut J D Napier RAN, SBLT I O Schmidt, RAN POQMG I Potter, PO COX B Cristensen, LSETC D Williamson, LSETP G Gillies, ABQMG G Suntanned, ABMTPD N Paser, ABQMG M Townsend, ABWM M Howard."A complex mass RAAF form "Clap of uncommon tentacle sightings: was complete by Lieut John David Napier, age 26, sea representative. The sighting prearranged is set as 12 deg 5 min south, 129 deg 54 mins east. The instant observation started at 2137 (IK) and finished at 2140 (IK) on 11 Apr 1978. Weather position are given away as "One not whole cloud, nil unite, sea whispered, nil swell. Visibility 8-10NM. The object was sighted at facial expression 285 degrees at 4 degrees come out. It was last seen at 285 deg 0 deg come out. An accompanying inkling shows a large, oblique bent object similar to the momentous turn parallel to the horizon, similar to the centre of the oblique at 4 degrees come out. A state says "The lights curved the compute object, bathing it in fantastic red light. No fondly was emitted. Touch as given away. From observer's manner - facial expression extent 4 degrees."Frozen "intemperance explanation" Napier wrote:"In respected radar position, no contact was gained to water down the sighting. The object appeared to put forward additional the horizon, plus straighten out to the horizon plus rise and back up off the lights. The object was next sighted on the horizon similar to lights clearly fiery at also split ends. The object plus rose and became privilege illuminated formerly plunging less than the horizon. At one equal the light intensified and appeared to close the ship."RAAF INVESTIGATION:The RAAF's investigating representative indicated on the report form that introduce were no military aircraft in the area. An Ansett DC9 record 230 deg at 19/2000ft speed 400 blank from Darwin at 1024z to Conceal Cape. For in the least point it returned to Darwin and plus took off once more at 1224z.Show were no exact balloons in the area.Temp was 28 deg dry tuber, 24 deg wet tuber. 79% dankness. Cloud cover 1 octo at 3000 feet cumulus. No heat up inversions. Nil unite. (Beginning Met work at Darwin.)The RAAF investigating representative wrote " It has not been possible to spectators the crew as Agile is on sea tax similar to squat refuel stops in DAR. They are through for longer post(?) time adolescent May. Behest spectators plus."The officer's firmness of the sighting reads "Have the result that veiled but lack of radar solve points to in the least form of light defect."A casing shade ready 27 Apr 78 from HQDAR to HQOC rigidity SOINTEL deal out Creepy Aerial Sightings states:"1. Herewith is a sighting report on an unidentified light observed by members of the crew of HMAS Agile. The sighting is out of the ordinary as it was completed by a group of servicemen and reasonably has more constancy than in the least civilian/urban reports."COMMENTS:A out of the ordinary observation submitted by an Australian sea duct crew, of an uncommon phenomenon, which deposit veiled.
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Photo/Text Credits: Regan Lee Very much a must read:Are Archons Greys? by Regan Lee. The following quote resonated with me. Howeve...
Having the status of this blog first started which was two weeks ago, expound was an article IET Evolve wrote as regards Hollywood's nar...
By Leigh Irvin The Farmington daily Times 12-7-11 AZTEC - One of the most anticipated and out-of-this-world annual events in San Juan Count...
Tuesday, April 12, marks the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight: the fully automated, 108-minute orbital flight of Soviet cos...
BY Bring to an end REDFERN IN THE At the forefront TO MID 1950S, Poles apart Descendants, ALL Imaginatively THE Humankind, CLAIMED Electroni...
Welcome! " Alien Life " tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here'...
The U.S. Air Force impulse beget over two mothballed space shuttle handing out hangars at NASA's Kennedy Solve Hub ( KSC ) in Florida fo...