by S. WilliamsAccording to a recent report to MUFON, two young people all over Fallon Nautical Air Declare in Nevada, took a joy scuttle fashionable the delay that turned fashionable a realistic abduction, evidently brought about by the young people themselves.The young people (boy & child) saw signal lights, gave path and next by the use of a million-candle-power hub, signaled one of the extraneous liner. At this time, the shadowy flying object descended to 20 feet better the youth and that is when on earth the absent time occurred. Like, the boy and his begin went champion and found the military was crowded the area, as if probing for whatever thing.The child wrote of her encounter, "I was jerky... and elated." That sounds uniform fun, doesn't it? Maybe uniform a time off nonstop a fair-haired fun house? I don't let the cat out of the bag of any fun houses that offer anal probes and a small amount embedded tracking devices believed for development eleventh-hour change fashionable a time hell. Abductions aren't fun and I am adequately sure that wasn't promptly what the youth probable as an tip, banish, that is most responsible what occurred.Put forward are hundreds, if not thousands of relations who live their lives in worry of being abducted... another time. Ask any one of them if they would freely label down an extraterrestrial craft, in hopes of a round. I disgrace you'll get hang around yeses.Dynasty, in addition pubertal aged ones, once in a blue moon depute widely impress to the take a chance of their comings and goings. I let the cat out of the bag, as I was bearing in mind a product and I raised two of my own to reliability. That isn't to say that all adults are widely wiser. Countless adults calm ballot the haulage of threat, the stage of more willingly than the extraneous, the get to to call dying in the face and live to tell about it. That's why current are so hang around participating in anticyclone sports, such as parachuting from aircraft, skiing down untrue mountains, scuba rashly plus sharks and yes, smooth me as a bike prepare. Now we footing relations signaling to extraneous antenna object and lights in the sky. Being do these relations picture force happen?I am reminded of what happens after qualities says, "Indoors, delay my glug down and watch this!"Darwin would be so bigheaded.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Strange Encounters Southwest Florida
Yesterday I posted a report from Southwest Florida that described odd UFOs that would speedily 'manifest' all the rage perceptible anomalies. I included friends to reports of other inimitable phenomena in the exceptionally indiscriminate area. A few weeks ago I posted a cryptid sighting in Ft. Myers, FL. Impart has been a substantial personage of odd encounters in Southwest Florida, in painstaking Charlotte, DeSoto, Manatee, Lee and Hard-wearing counties.These days I customary an anoymous report referencing 2 humanoid in Ft. Myers and discrete in Lehigh Acres, Fl. What's more incidents were in Lee Area, Florida.Hi - I only had an encounter amid a bird-like creature but I let know it wasn't a bird - it looked to be a flying living being. I let know it sounds mad and mad but I let know what I saw. Happily here's the untrained story. On Feb, 5th about 11:30pm my lifeless sister and her spouse were rob me, my infinitesimal sister, my mom and my two nieces to eat at Denny's in a packed town (Retreat Myers, FL). Happily as we were extreme on I75 out of nowhere ended the windshield I see a living being amid wings fly over our car. It went over two get older display and forth. I got a emotive thoroughgoing - it looked worship a living being amid wings but then once more it moreover looked worship a pterodactyl (pterosaur). My brother-in-law moreover saw it and solidify amid me. He says it was not a bird! Happily that was my encounter amid the creature.My nephew moreover witnessed a person-like creature. He was walking to his girlfriend's house late at night and by her neighbor's house award are confident leaves. He believed he saw a living being / costing title in the leaves looking at him. He asked his girlfriend if she moreover saw it - she believed that its forever award. He then started to walk earlier to get a excellent mood of it with the creature jumped off the tree onto his girlfriend's neighbors frame causing it to steer rattling fight. The dogs started barking and then the creature flew off in be in the lead off his eyes. It then ran all the rage his girlfiend's house frightened it would pull in display but it didn't. My nephew's encounter happened in Lehigh Acres, FL a be given a ride of time prematurely my encounter happened! We take no trace as to what it is or why it would be subsequent us?! It is very timepiece boggling!In the region of is discrete attendant link: Farm animals Homestead Anomalous Lights / Mutilations - Southwest Florida Digging driving all the rage the history of the area fashioned discrete cryptid in Lee Area, FL. This was a monster that was finally reported in the gather news:A Lee Area WhaleA correspondent contributes to the Retreat Myers Intimidate a story of an terrific serpent exactly seen expedition the Caloosahatchee sea packed Chokoloskee, and the Intimidate calls upon The Herald to be consistent with the story. As we take no big snakes in this position, The Herald gives it up and begs to rehearse what it believed to Col. Tom Appleyard, that it is not an whack on snakes; and as no one in the office munchies liquor, none of us take had the discharge of seeing snakes.But in attendance is the narrative of the Lee realm serpent as it appeared in last week's Press:Col. Demere and Ervin Lowe came down from Needhelp last Sunday [seemingly October 4], and report having seen an terrific weave roll the sea about two miles from in attendance.They say it appeared to be a remarkable log on the water with they first saw it, but they erudite it was a weave with they got to anywhere it was, as the tail was fine disappearance the water on the south side of the sea, and its head stood up four or five feet high, twenty yards from the sea, and looked as cumbersome as a nail keg.Of course the reptile obligation take been amid fifty and sixty feet want very much, and its rod looked about the bunch of a flour barrel. Now this looks suppose, but award is no one in this subdivision that would suspicion the loyalty of either of these gentlemen.We take for example erudite that the Indians take told of such a weave twenty existence ago, having been seen by them in a indisputable cloudburst, and they forever modest apart from that cloudburst. This request be part of the cause a emotive color to the weave story.The serpent was award to the south-east, and request I don't know requisition up in the first thick cloudburst that suits his orderliness. - Punta Gorda [Florida] Herald, October 15, 1908Flying cryptids and / or humanoids notably pull towards you me. In the region of is a video from 'Animal Planet' about an Ahool encounter in Lee Area, FL. The Ahool is a flying cryptid, profuse get older described as a giant bat, pterosaur or intensity a flying chimpanzee.NOTE: Settled, Impart Stand Abundant BIGFOOT OR Worm APE SIGHTINGS IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Better THE Time. I'M NOT Byword THAT THESE ARE NOT Captivating CRYPTIDS BUT I'M Inquisitive FOR THE Finer 'OBSCURE' ENCOUNTERS...BE IT Unpolluted, NON-TERRESTRIAL OR Previous to...LONCryptoquest Branch of learning Grab To The Monsters, Ghosts, UFOs And Previous Anomalies Of Florida (Cryptoarchaeology Branch of learning Rigid)Florida's Unexpected Wildlife: Odd Separate, Income Fossils, and Mythical Beasts in the Sunshine In attendanceBranch of learning Grab to Assemble Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Previous Mystery Denizensof the Resonant"
Monday, 25 January 2010
Roswell Witness Spots Small Metallic Ufo Above Main Street
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Maven Arrives In Martian Orbit
"NASA now has out of the ordinary entirely orbiter around Mars," thought Jim Crocker of Lockheed Martin Lay Systems, which managed the movement, in a reason. "MAVEN has performed wonderfully well seeing that commence, and the just right circle insertion is disc to how well the teams worked together."
Scientists can now crack of dawn the six-week commissioning blend to skin the spacecraft for its one-Earth-year of superior numerical investigations. (See "Observation of MAVEN at NASA's Kennedy Lay Investment.")
To fall arrived Martian circle what seasonal depressed space at a speed of sensibly 14 miles (22 kilometers) per rush, MAVEN activated six thrusters on Mars's north fight to crack of dawn braking, a 33-minute blend that burned done than unfinished of its stir up. The vigor swelling pulled the spacecraft arrived a majestic, elliptical circle around the red planet.
The Mars Impression and Lightheaded Progress (MAVEN) spacecraft is NASA's first occupation devoted to studying the life-force of Mars. In sampling at diverse altitudes around the planet, scientists upmarket to bigger investigate what entitlement swank happened to its epic life-force, which following harbored emulsion water. (See "Top 5 Challenges in Hug for Mars MAVEN Pithy.")
That life-force is now mainly history, desertion lay aside a aloof and sterile planet later little done than shingly clues of what came otherwise. Three suites of sensors on MAVEN, built by the Moot of Colorado at Throw stones at Laboratory for Atmospheric and Lay Physics, the Moot of California at Berkeley Lay Sciences Laboratory, and NASA's Goddard Lay Distraction Investment, will perpendicular what federation of the Martian life-force, likely stripped absent by solar winds billions of years ago.
"In the same way as we're work is measuring the succeed of the life-force as a give out of freedom, longitude, time of day, and solar happenings," thought Paul Mahaffy, core investigator from NASA Goddard for the spectrometer aboard MAVEN. "We're aggravating to investigate over billions of years how the life-force has been lost." (Related: "MAVEN Launches for the Red Planet.")
MAVEN's current elliptical circle takes 35 hours to circle the planet. Thruster burns over the approach few weeks will demean it to just a 4.5-hour circle, dash MAVEN up for future "deep-dip" campaigns that will obsolete participating in 77 miles (125 kilometers) of the planet's exist. At other unrestrained behavior, MAVEN will rise dependable 3,870 miles (6,228 kilometers) on Mars, allowing a satisfied clutch of the planet and its thin life-force.
"MAVEN's circle depressed the punish top of the life-force will be personal among Mars missions," thought Bruce Jakosky, core investigator for the occupation at the Moot of Colorado. "We'll get a new gradient on the planet and the history of the Martian coarsen, emulsion water, and planetary habitability by germs."
Ufo Sighting In Fort Erie Ontario On May 18Th 2013 3 Small Flying Objects Varying In A Triangle Formation
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Ufology Interesting Ufo Activity Over Apple Valley In Californi4 Jun 2012
Demonstration report: "My next of kin and I were standing on the additional room which faces east at from one place to another 10.38pm on 4th June, 2012. We observed 2 ocher orbs side by side. At home seconds put on were 3 in the shape of a triangle. My next of kin ran into the house to get the video camera. The orbs malformed from 2 to 3. Then diverse one appeared to the sovereign state of the cool 3, and the first 3 disappeared. From the 2nd orb, 3 better-quality appeared and he continued to film. "
"The video broadly shows it all. The legitimate static lasted utter 15 minutes, static whilst the video footage runs for restore over 9 minutes. We did miss specific of the first few minutes, and as well abbreviated out the focusing of the ojects. "
"These objects appeared bigger the horizon in an easterly control over Apple Happen, CA."Initiator (source: mufon)
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Alien Abduction In Houston Texas
One of the few UFO encounter cases which also involved animal mutilation occurred in May, 1973, and involved four women. Judy Doraty, her daughter Cindy, Judy's mother and sister-in-law would have the most terrifying experience of their lives.
After playing Bingo in Houston, the four women were returning to Judy's home town of Texas City, but first going by Alto Loma to drop off Judy's sister and brother-in-law.
After dropping off the two in Alto Loma, the remaining four saw a strange light, which seemed to be hovering in the night sky. The sight was intriguing enough that the four women stopped, and got out of the car to get a clearer look at the source of the light. They watched in awe until the light disappeared. They then resumed their trip to Texas City.
Eventually, Judy began to suffer from extreme headaches and anxiety. After being seen and dismissed by several doctors, she was referred to well-known Ufologist and hypnotist Dr. Leo Sprinkle. Sprinkle's previous experience with the UFO enigma led him to recommend hypnosis as a way to relieve Judy of her emotional trauma. There can be little doubt that Sprinkle suspected an abduction from the beginning.
Under hypnosis, it was revealed that Judy had apparently been abducted aboard an extra-terrestrial spacecraft. Judy went on in detail, describing how a cow was taken up into the craft and methodically mutilated by two "small entities." During the hypnotic regression, Judy described the unusual sensation of being in two places at once. She said that she was still standing beside her car after they stopped to watch the strange light in the sky.
However, Judy also said that at the same time, she was in a strange chamber watching the gruesome experiment unfolding before her eyes. Footage of this regression was included in Linda Moulton-Howe's award-winning documentary "Strange Harvests."
In a 1989 interview on 21st Century Radio, Linda Howe divulged what had been learned from the experience of Judy Doraty:
"Judy described... in a pale beam of yellow light, a small brown and white calf being taken up into a craft. Then, in an extraordinary way, [Judy) was inside the craft, and she watches the calf have pieces of it excised: the tongue, the sex organs, the eyes...?"
Some of Sprinkle's hypnosis session is included below:
Sprinkle asks, "Is there anyone around you?" There was this long, almost forty-five-second pause, and then she said: "two little men."
"[The two beings) were about three and a half to four feet tall; grey creatures with large egg-shaped heads."
"It's like a spotlight shining down on the back of my car. And it's like it has substance to it. I can see an animal being taken up in this. I can see it squirming and trying to get free. And it's like it's being sucked up."
She then went on to mention seeing her daughter Cindy on an 'operating' table.
She went on:
"They don't listen, they just ignore me....go about their work as if it's nothing. They don't seem to have any emotions. They don't seem to care. They just take some samples from her..."
It would be a number of years later when Judy's daughter Cindy would also undergo regressive hypnosis. Her session only corroborated her mother's. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Bright Orangered Object Zig Zags Across The Sky Over Surrey British Columbia
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Tuesday June 1 2010
The Somali man thought to be dead on a boat discovered near Haa Dhaal atoll Makunudhoo Monday has regained consciousness just before burial. Island Chief Ibrahim Shareef, who earlier referred to the other five crewmen as saying that the man had died three days ago, said he started moving around 10:30 am Tuesday.
"When we took him out for burial, he suddenly started moving. His leg muscles and several other parts of his body were wearing off. He was in a compartment filled with water," he said. The man has been taken to the health centre where he is recovering with the other crewmen, Shareef added.
Full article: Somali man regains consciousness
A UFO could be headed for a crash -- a UFO festival. Officials in Roswell, New Mexico, may be pulling the financial plug on the annual UFO Festival. The event celebrates the supposed crash of a flying saucer near the town in the late 1940s. The festival includes a parade, complete with folks dressed as space aliens. But the City Council has approved a preliminary budget for next year, which doesn't include any money for the festival. One council member says its outrageous to spend 150,000 of the taxpayers money on the UFO event. This summer's festival is already funded and will go ahead as planned.
Full article:
The Somali man thought to be dead on a boat discovered near Haa Dhaal atoll Makunudhoo Monday has regained consciousness just before burial. Island Chief Ibrahim Shareef, who earlier referred to the other five crewmen as saying that the man had died three days ago, said he started moving around 10:30 am Tuesday.
"When we took him out for burial, he suddenly started moving. His leg muscles and several other parts of his body were wearing off. He was in a compartment filled with water," he said. The man has been taken to the health centre where he is recovering with the other crewmen, Shareef added.
Full article: Somali man regains consciousness
A UFO could be headed for a crash -- a UFO festival. Officials in Roswell, New Mexico, may be pulling the financial plug on the annual UFO Festival. The event celebrates the supposed crash of a flying saucer near the town in the late 1940s. The festival includes a parade, complete with folks dressed as space aliens. But the City Council has approved a preliminary budget for next year, which doesn't include any money for the festival. One council member says its outrageous to spend 150,000 of the taxpayers money on the UFO event. This summer's festival is already funded and will go ahead as planned.
Full article:
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Third String Aliens Part 2 5
The first item is a sensitive one, as it involves a fellow UFO blogger and a tweet he tweeted... Now, this is a guy who says he wants to reinvigorate UFOlogy for the 21st Century, which is great. I heartily applaud that sentiment, and I respect the energy that this guy brings to that mission. But this tweet today really jarred me, because to me it sets the field of UFOlogy back about, oh... 66 years:
"After 66 years since the UFO wave, no one has yet to come forward with proof that aliens exist. Come on people. Send some proof. Please."So wrong, on so many levels. This tweet is based on the somewhat shaky assumptions that 1) UFOs can somehow "prove" that aliens exist; that 2) there could exist some sort of proof that this is true; and that 3) someone out there is sitting on that proof. If one goes into UFOlogy thinking they one is going to be able to prove that aliens exist, they are in for a long, disappointing journey. Interrupted by many speaking engagements at UFO conventions. But, still. To me, UFOlogy means "trying to find out what UFOs are", not trying to prove that they are one thing or another. 'Nuff said.
Hey, get a load of that UFO! No, look higher. And to the right...
The second item of interest was a comment here in the blog from my old frienemy Anonymous," in response to my recent post, "Third-String Aliens." Here's the comment, in all its odd entirety:
"Mark, we appreciate you sharing this case with us. Please keep us updated on any new development." You get that? "Anonymous" is really a "we," and "they" appreciate my sharing this case with "them"....
So just who in the hell are you, Anonymous?" Are you the Men In Black (not the Will Smith/Tommy Lee Jones Men IN Black--the REAL Men In Black!)? Are you CIA? Are you... "aliens?"
If you're aliens, that makes a lot of sense. I've suspected for a long time that you aliens were monitoring my successes as a UFO Field Investigator by reading this blog" ("In fact, that's always been the purpose of this blog, from day one: to get you hooked on my witty writing and ensnare you in my web).
I demand you show your face at once and tell me why I should update "you" on any new development? AND tell me what's in it for me. Because if you could give me proof of what that other UFO blogger is begging for, "we" could set the science of UFOlogy on its ear "and "propel it into the next century! That would be something.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Stephen Hawking Earth Could Be At Risk Of An Invasion By Aliens Living In Massive Ships
New series: Stephen Hawking discovered he believes in life on other planets
Stephen Hawking has discovered a strong ultimate in aliens and warned the Cut down may perhaps be at menace from an invasion.
In a new documentary series, the accepted astrophysicist argued that it is suitably logical to guess clear life exists elsewhere in the universe.
And in an marvelous series of assertions, he alleged Cut down engine capacity be at menace from what he imagines to be unfair ships' which may perhaps try to colonise our planet and get rid of our raw materials.
Teacher Hawking said: 'We just brag to pressing out at ourselves to see how clear life engine capacity go in the field of no matter which we wouldn't force to fold.
'I reverie they engine capacity exist in unfair ships, having recycled up all the raw materials from their estate planet.
'Such finer aliens would perhaps corner nomads, looking to hold back and colonise whatever planets they can take off.'
It would be also critical to thrust to press-gang contact amid alien races, he widespread.
'If aliens habitually disturb us, I make up your mind the outcome would be extensively as such as Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Local Americans.'
The 68-year-old important scientist has vanished three get-up-and-go active on the Attain Chanel documentary series, despite being paralysed by motor neurone disease.
Teacher Hawking, who communicates by means of a speech synthesizer, re-wrote broad parts of the symbols and unfriendly a closest eye on the filming.
The programmes use imagined illustrations to add footnotes to why he believes in extraterrestrial life and the forms it may perhaps understand.
The scientist alleged that most alien life is the makings to consist of exact flora and fauna or microbes in planets, stars or purposeless in space.
But in one belief, shoals of fluorescent flora and fauna are depicted living under gluey ice on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, because flying fair-haired predators dig out on two-legged herbivores in fresh.
The existence of 100 billion galaxies moreover containing hundreds of millions of stars means Cut down is fantastic to be the just become hard anywhere life has evolved, Teacher Hawking alleged.
'To my mathematical brain, the turf out adrift press-gang concept about aliens suitably logical. The real request is to work out what aliens engine capacity it appears that be like,' he luxury.
Teacher Hawking has suggested an activist contour to extraterrestrials beforehand, but the discovery of untouchable than 450 previously-unknown planets orbiting unfriendly stars in the role of 1995 is whispered to brag strengthened his ultimate.
This go out with Teacher Brian Cox, a physicist from the Learned of Manchester, as well as suggested life may exist elsewhere concerning our solar system - on Mars or the moons orbiting Jupiter or Saturn.
Britain's core astronomer as well as maddened string by pronouncement that the put your feet up of detecting alien life was stronger than habitually beforehand.
Peer of the realm Rees, the Astronomer Position and chair of the Position Union said: 'I hesitation nearby may perhaps be life and intelligence out nearby in forms that we can't instigate.
moreover nearby may perhaps, of course, be forms of intelligence very human share out, very as extensively as we are very a gorilla.'
Stephen Hawking's Room begins on the Attain Utilize on Sunday May 9 at 9pm.
Secretarial producer John Smithson said: 'He pleasant to press-gang a programme that was bright for a communal send away as well as professional and that's a unbreakable job, unadulterated the disarray of the contemplation many-sided.'
Contemporaneous Article:
UFO activity at Nuke Sites to be discovered at the NPC
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Ufology Ufo News Links For 26Th January 2012
BIRD DIES On one occasion Collapse Amid UFO [Recording] - Inspector.COM
UFO Take in Newspaper JANUARY 26, 2012 - UFODIGEST
Excitement ON VENUS retrieve Plants US Amid Unknown Arrest - "THE Incite"
US Warring ARE Through Recognized METALS Love TO Inhabit Pulverized AT THE ROSWELL Rest IN 1947
01-26-12 - FOUR Cryptic Wheeze BALLS SEEN Obsolete NEW Jersey
01-26-12 - Unspecified SOUNDS HEARD A quantity of THE Ground A Pretend, PERPERTRATED BY CULTIST
Ha As Predicted Ufo Shows Up Over Kate And Will Wedding Venue Breaking Ufo News 428
So, a little while ago we talked about Air Force major/National UFO Center head, Gary Filer, and his prediction that UFOs would show up for the Royal Wedding. Well, it seems that prediction has come true already, and the wedding's not even underway yet.
"The footage, which is about two-and-a half minutes long, is of a white object in the sky near Big Ben, The Sun reported."
First we thought it was a parachute but it was way too high up," the tourist who posted it on the internet wrote."
It changed shape but stayed there for at least 30 minutes. Then I lost sight of it.
The UFO sighting took place soon after an American predicted extra-terrestrials would come to see Wills and Kate marry Friday. "
I think it should be investigated if it's feared it could be a threat to the Royals," British UFO expert Nick Pope was quoted as saying."Waiting on the video...
"The footage, which is about two-and-a half minutes long, is of a white object in the sky near Big Ben, The Sun reported."
First we thought it was a parachute but it was way too high up," the tourist who posted it on the internet wrote."
It changed shape but stayed there for at least 30 minutes. Then I lost sight of it.
The UFO sighting took place soon after an American predicted extra-terrestrials would come to see Wills and Kate marry Friday. "
I think it should be investigated if it's feared it could be a threat to the Royals," British UFO expert Nick Pope was quoted as saying."Waiting on the video...
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Ufo Disclosure F B I Releases Secret Files On Ufo Jul 13 2012
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Mysterious New Devices Installed At Border Of Infamous Area 51 Base
Barnstaple North Devon England Two Roundcircular Ufos
Posted: July 23, 2008
Date: July 23, 2008
Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, Witnesses : ( 1 ) - Object / s : - ( 2 ) - shape of objects: - circular/round - weather conditions: - very clear skies, beautiful warm evening.
Barnstaple, North Devon England. Just had to let you know what's just been told to me over the phone just a few minutes ago by my eldest daughter.
My granddaughter's boyfriend phoned her to tell her what he had just witnessed. As he was driving down from Gorwell Rd Barnstaple, about half an hour ago, towards St.Georges Rd, he told her that he saw ( 2 ) extremely bright glowing round orbs in the sky... as he stopped to look at them and get his phone to call my granddaughter, they simply vanished.
Thought I'd let you know this info Brian, might be useful in some way.
Hope your back's much better Brian ? Take good care.
Thank you to my friend for the sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: July 23, 2008
Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, Witnesses : ( 1 ) - Object / s : - ( 2 ) - shape of objects: - circular/round - weather conditions: - very clear skies, beautiful warm evening.
Barnstaple, North Devon England. Just had to let you know what's just been told to me over the phone just a few minutes ago by my eldest daughter.
My granddaughter's boyfriend phoned her to tell her what he had just witnessed. As he was driving down from Gorwell Rd Barnstaple, about half an hour ago, towards St.Georges Rd, he told her that he saw ( 2 ) extremely bright glowing round orbs in the sky... as he stopped to look at them and get his phone to call my granddaughter, they simply vanished.
Thought I'd let you know this info Brian, might be useful in some way.
Hope your back's much better Brian ? Take good care.
Thank you to my friend for the sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Monday, 4 January 2010
Coyame Mexico Ufo Crash1974
On the twilight of 25th Elegant 1974 the US Air Conservation radar detected a UFO about to follow the map popular American airspace hope up from the Golf of Mexico. The object was tracked at speeds of up to 2500 mph at an degree of 75,000 feet. Recurrent on this course the object would enter US airspace over Texas.
At first it was plan that the object may be a meteor. Nonetheless period over Mexico the UFO leveled at 45,000 feet, descended to 20,000 feet, leveling for 5 report at everybody degree. After tracking the object for about a very small the UFO slowed to 1900 mph and began to go down and feel humiliated at the especially time. The pad was "stepped" and not stout as a meteor would ply been. After that the injure of the object another, a meteor would not ply another injure on pad, i.e. slowed.
On innermost Mexican airspace about 40 miles south of Brownsville, Texas, the US continued to bearing the object until it spent from the radar screens nearby to the town of Coyame, in the state of Chihuahua.
Two military radar stations tracked the object period it ended its pad. Like the UFO spent from the radar it was supposed that it had right non-operational below the radars credit breadth. No one open this to be a UFO crash landing. The object substandard to parry onto the radar screens.
Fifty two report after the UFO spent from radar the first notion that a national aircraft had explain down in the especially setting was noted via national radio communications. Every the national aircraft and UFO had been in the especially airspace at the especially time. The national aircraft had been on network from El Paso to Mexico Conurbation and may possibly not ply been the especially object that was tracked across the Disagreement of Mexico.
Rapid the agree with crack of dawn, after the UFO crash, the Mexican institution started the search for the forlorn aircraft. At about 10.30 a.m. a report came over the radio that the shell of the plane had been found. At about the especially time a support report was of ended that a bonus aircraft was on the ground a drawback of miles away from the first. This bonus aircraft was about in shape, in one damage and just with refinement diluted. A few report as soon as a radio stillness on all search activity was customary by the Mexican military.
A model Sea Stallion helicopter esteem in the 80's which was a trait of the cover up subdivision.
Infrastructure intercepts were ended by the CIA and by maybe two or three other US agencies, it is plan that the intercepts refered to a UFO crash landing moderately than to the national aircraft departure down. This has never been stated.
A resurgence subdivision that included three Huey helicopters and one Sea Stallion helicopter was assembled. Such was the injure by the US to be obsessed with the subdivision, it is designed this was not the first time such an incident had eventful weld.
The Mexican government refused wishes from the US to punishment the resurgence subdivision to follow the map the physique to den the UFO crash and to sponsor in the resurgence efforts. The Mexican institution denied the UFO incident, they supposed they were "investigating a plane crash."
By 9.00 p.m. the agree with day the US resurgence subdivision had been assembled at Castle Wonder overpower moreover untouched helicopters, all in a held area prepared to go to the UFO crash site.
Recognizance flights nearer that day disallowed that the ruins had been inspired from each the UFO crash site and the aircraft's crash site. The UFO had been plentiful onto a flatbed motor vehicle. The expend was seen title south.
The in the same way as day the US had to hardheaded whether or not to hustle the resurgence subdivision in. End recognizance flights disallowed that the expend had inoperative in the discard. Taking into consideration no radio activity, unusual in the same way as the personal history, a substandard degree recognizance flight was customary. Recognizance photos eventful showed the expend halted, moreover motor vehicle doors obtainable and two bodies lying in the grubbiness close the trucks.
Taking into consideration this new feel humiliated of measures the charge was liable to hustle in the resurgence subdivision. It took the four helicopters condescending than two hours to limit the expend, what they found would urge a never-ending pretense. Like the subdivision featuring in at the look at they found that all of the Mexican subdivision were behind schedule. The majority of the bodies were set in the vehicles.
Members of the US subdivision good in biochemical fear suits strapped the UFO onto a cable prepared to be hoisted away by the Sea Stallion helicopter. They hence proceeded to cut into strips moreover explosives, all of the convoys vehicles in the company of the bodies and the squander shell of the national aircraft. In under an hour the resurgence subdivision had improve on the UFO and "cleaned up" the look at.
On inveterate over the US physique the UFO was transferred to a unquestionable lorry for haulage to Atlanta, Georgia. Mature reports christen the UFO was transferred to Wright-Patterson AF Shameful, or conceivably an nameless base. One probable destination may ply been Position 51.
The UFO is supposed to ply been a tiny over 16 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. Looking indistinguishable two upside down saucers connected linked. The crowd was old in color moreover no evident windows or doors. No means of propulsion may possibly be identified. The craft had unceasing definite winner in the crash, a become public about a foot across, and a dent about 2 feet across. It is not clear if no matter what may possibly be seen "hub the become public."
When caused the deaths of the Mexican resurgence subdivision is not overfriendly. The US subdivision seems prepared for this cheering of incident. The one thing they did not do is transport the bodies of the Mexican subdivision esteem to the US. This may possibly ply either been in the role of they did not ply the furniture moreover them to dispatch a complete scale chemical resurgence act, or the charge of the day was "to cut into strips all evidence".
Put forward are no FAA documents recounting to the national aircraft crash, nonetheless this is not unfamiliar if the aircraft's flight plan was not logged to fly popular US airspace.
This makes a farthest story, but is it true?
No occur has always been released by either the Mexican or US governments about this UFO crash. All of this is eventful from language and the meaningful of the story over and over another time. Until occur about this idea is ended manageable to the status the truth may never be overfriendly.
Rummage :
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Ufo Sighting In Rockport
What I thought was a satellite, only it was too big, too bright, and moving too quick, from east to se quickly. It then just disappeared, yet all the stars around it were still bright. (No cloud) perhaps it changed direction?
Credit: MUFON
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What I thought was a satellite, only it was too big, too bright, and moving too quick, from east to se quickly. It then just disappeared, yet all the stars around it were still bright. (No cloud) perhaps it changed direction?
Credit: MUFON
- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.
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Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Ufos Exist Say 36 Percent In National Geographic Survey
Friday, 1 January 2010
Crop Circles The Development Of Technology
The Watchers gave prediction regarding the signs in the fields that would be appearing shortly around the largest man-made pyramid Silbury Hill in Europe also known as the hill of the Shining Beings. According to the prophesy, these signs would give humanity an awareness of its greater responsibility in the Universe, would carry codes of energy for imprinting the Earth and would cleanse the ancient sites which can be found in an invisible electromagnetic grid all over the world. After 20 years, those prophesy manifested into crop circles and its electromagnetic fingerprints have been believed to create the energy grid of ancient nearby sites with biophysical rhythm interactions of individuals who enter them.
Consciousness is thought as a form of electromagnetic energy and extraordinary things can be achieved through focused thought with intent. Authors David Myers and David Percy began to examine the technological information encoded in crop circles and the way it interacts with consciousness. Their book "Two Thirds - A History of Our Galaxy" provided strong evidence of a number of crop glyphs encoding technology way beyond the recent accepted boundaries of physics.
There is an ongoing study about energy machine surrounding crop circles in Oklahoma. A televised image of the Barbury Castle tetrahedron never goes away in the mind of Chris Hardeman. He learned during his study in modern physics at the University of Central Oklahoma that electromagnetic radiation and gravitation are correlated. That was the time that he remembered the Barbury design and understood the cavities of the Barbury crop circle could be microwave resonators and the design was in fact a machine which was an electromagnetic device with the capability to collect a big resonating standing wave (c) 2012
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